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Excel Seeder for Laravel

PHPUnit tests

Seed your database using CSV files, XLSX files, and more with Laravel

With this package you can save time seeding your database. Instead of typing out seeder files, you can use CSV, XLSX, or any supported spreadsheet file format to load your project's database. There are configuration options available to control the insertion of data from your spreadsheet files.

This project was forked from laravel-csv-seeder and rewritten to support processing multiple input files and to use the PhpSpreadsheet library to support XLSX and other file formats.


  • Support CSV, XLS, XLSX, ODF, Gnumeric, XML, HTML, SLK files through PhpSpreadsheet library
  • Seed from multiple spreadsheet files per Laravel seeder class
  • Generate text output version of XLS spreadsheet for determining changes to XLS when branch merging
  • Automatically resolve CSV filename to table name.
  • Automatically resolve XLSX worksheet tabs to table names.
  • Automatically map CSV and XLSX headers to table column names.
  • Automatically determine delimiter for CSV files, including comma ,, tab \t, pipe |, and semi-colon ;
  • Skip seeding data columns by using a prefix character in the spreadsheet column header.
  • Hash values with a given array of column names.
  • Seed default values into table columns.
  • Adjust Laravel's timestamp at seeding.


This package has been used on CSV files with 5 million rows per file while maintaining flat memory usage (no memory leaks).


This package has PHPUnit tests run automatically by Github Actions. Tests are added as enhancements are made or as bugs are found and fixed.

PHPUnit tests
This package is tested against the following Laravel versions

  • Laravel 5.8
  • Laravel 6.x
  • Laravel 7.x
  • Laravel 8.x
  • Laravel 9.x
  • Laravel 10.x
  • Laravel 11.x



Laravel 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x

  • Require this package directly by composer require --dev -W bfinlay/laravel-excel-seeder

  • Or add this package in your composer.json and run composer update

    "require-dev": {
      "bfinlay/laravel-excel-seeder": "^3.0",

Laravel 5.8, 6.x, 7.x

Laravel 5.8, 6.x, and 7.x require DBAL 2.x. Because DBAL is a require-dev dependency of laravel, its version constraint will not be resolved by composer when installing a child package. However, this is easy to solve by specifying DBAL 2.x as an additional dependency.

Note that Laravel 5.8, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x are EOL. See These versions will continue to be supported by this package for as long as reasonably possible, thanks to github actions performing the testing.

To install for Laravel 5.8, 6.x, and 7.x:

  • Require this package directly by composer require --dev -W bfinlay/laravel-excel-seeder

  • Require the dbal package directly by composer require --dev -W doctrine/dbal:^2.6

  • Or add these packages in your composer.json and run composer update

    "require-dev": {
      "bfinlay/laravel-excel-seeder": "^3.0",
      "doctrine/dbal": "^2.6"

Simplest Usage

In the simplest form, you can use the bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder as is and it will process all XLSX files in /database/seeds/*.xlsx and /database/seeders/*.xlsx (relative to Laravel project base path).

Just add the SpreadsheetSeeder to be called in your /database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php (Laravel 5.8, 6.x, 7.x) or /database/seeder/DatabaseSeeder.php (Laravel 8.X and newer) class.

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run()

Place your spreadsheets into the path /database/seeds/ (Laravel 5.8, 6.x, 7.x) or /database/seeders/ (Laravel 8.x and newer) of your Laravel project.

With the default settings, the seeder makes certain assumptions about the XLSX files:

  • worksheet (tab) names match --> table names in database
  • worksheet (tab) has a header row and the column names match --> table column names in database
  • If there is only one worksheet in the XLSX workbook either the worksheet (tab) name or workbook filename must match a table in the database.

An Excel example:

first_name last_name birthday
Foo Bar 1970-01-01
John Doe 1980-01-01

A CSV example:


Basic usage

In most cases you will need to configure settings. Create a seed class that extends bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder and configure settings on your class. A seed class will look like this:

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        // By default, the seeder will process all XLSX files in /database/seeds/*.xlsx (relative to Laravel project base path)
        // Example setting
        $set->worksheetTableMapping = ['Sheet1' => 'first_table', 'Sheet2' => 'second_table'];

note: the older process of overloading run() still works for backwards compatibility.

Seeding Individual Sheets

By default, executing the db:seed Artisan command will seed all worksheets within a workbook.

If you want to specify individual sheets to seed, you may use the xl:seed Artisan command with the --sheet option. You may specify multiple --sheet options.

php artisan xl:seed --sheet=users --sheet=posts 

The above will run the Database\Seeders\DatabaseSeeder class, and for any SpreadsheetSeeders that are invoked will only seed sheets named users and posts. You may use the --class option to specify a specific seeder class to run individually

php artisan xl:seed --class=MySpreadsheetSeederClass --sheet=users --sheet=posts

If you want to run the default SpreadsheetSeeder class, you can specify --class=#. (The # resembles a spreadsheet.)

php artisan xl:seed --class=# --sheet=users --sheet=posts

For an easier syntax, you can also pass these as arguments and omit the --class and --seed. When using arguments,
the first argument must be the class, and subsequent arguments will be sheets.

php artisan xl:seed # users posts

Important note: as with seeding traditional seeder classes individually, when seeding individual sheets if the truncate option is true, relations with cascade delete will also be deleted.

Excel Text Output for Branch Diffs

After running the database seeder, a subdirectory will be created using the same name as the input file. A text output file will be created for each worksheet using the worksheet name. This text file contains a text-based representation of each worksheet (tab) in the workbook and can be used to determine changes in the XLSX when merging branches from other contributors.

Two formats are currently supported. The older format is 'markdown' and is the defualt for backward compatibility. The newer format is 'yaml' which is meant to work better with typical line-oriented diff software.

Check this file into the repository so that it can serve as a basis for comparison.

You will have to merge the XLSX spreadsheet manually.

TextOutput can be disabled by setting textOutput to FALSE

See Text Output for more information.


  • Add Columns - array of column names that will be added in addition to those found in the worksheet
  • Aliases - (global) map column names to alternative column names
  • Batch Insert Size - number of rows to insert per batch
  • Date Formats - configure date formats by column when Carbon cannot automatically parse date
  • Defaults - (global) map column names to default values
  • Delimiter - specify CSV delimiter (default: auto detect)
  • Extension - default file extension when directory is specified (default: xlsx)
  • File - path or paths of data source files to process (default: /database/seeds/*.xlsx)
  • Hashable - (global) array of column names hashed using Hash facade
  • Header - (global) skip first row when true (default: true)
  • Input Encodings - (global) array of possible encodings from input data source
  • Limit - (global) limit the maximum number of rows that will be loaded from a worksheet (default: no limit)
  • Mapping - column "mapping"; array of column names to use as a header
  • Offset - (global) number of rows to skip at the start of the data source (default: 0)
  • Output Encodings - (global) output encoding to database
  • Parsers - (global) associative array of column names in the data source that should be parsed with the specified parser.
  • Read Chunk Size - number of rows to read per chunk
  • Skipper - (global) prefix string to indicate a column or worksheet should be skipped (default: "%")
  • Skip Columns - array of column names that will be skipped in the worksheet.
  • Skip Sheets - array of worksheet names that will be skipped in the workbook.
  • Tablename - (legacy) table name to insert into database for single-sheet file
  • Text Output - enable text markdown output (default: true)
  • Text Output Path - path for text output
  • Timestamps - when true, set the Laravel timestamp columns 'created_at' and 'updated_at' with current date/time (default: true)
  • Truncate - truncate the table before seeding (default: true)
  • Truncate Ignore Foreign Key Constraints - truncate the table before seeding (default: true)
  • Unix Timestamps - interpret date/time values as unix timestamps instead of excel timestamps for specified columns (default: no columns)
  • UUID - array of column names that the seeder will generate a UUID for.
  • Validate - map column names to laravel validation rules
  • Worksheet Table Mapping - map names of worksheets to table names

Add Columns

$addColumns (array [])

This is an array of column names that will be column names in addition to those found in the worksheet.

These additional columns will be processed the same ways as columns found in a worksheet. Cell values will be considered the same way as "empty" cells in the worksheet. These columns could be populated by parsers, defaults, or uuids.

Example: ['uuid, 'column1', 'column2']

Default: []

Column Aliases

$aliases (array [])

This is an associative array to map the column names of the data source to alternative column names (aliases).

Example: ['CSV Header 1' => 'Table Column 1', 'CSV Header 2' => 'Table Column 2']

Default: []

Batch Insert Size

$batchInsertSize (integer)

Number of rows to insert in a batch.

Default: 5000

Date Formats

$dateFormats (array [])

This is an associative array mapping column names in the data source to date format strings that should be used by Carbon to parse the date. Information to construct date format strings is here:

When the destination column in the database table is a date time format, and the source data is a string, the seeder will use Carbon to parse the date format. In many cases Carbon can parse the date automatically without specifying the date format.

When Carbon cannot parse the date automatically, map the column name in this array to the date format string. When a source column is mapped, Carbon will use the date format string instead of parsing automatically.

If column mapping is used (see mapping) the column name should match the value in the $mapping array instead of the value in the file, if any.


  'order_date' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u+',  // parses "2020-10-04 05:31:02.440000000"

Default: []


$defaults (array [])

This is an associative array mapping column names in the data source to default values that will override any values in the datasource.

Example: ['created_by' => 'seed', 'updated_by' => 'seed]

Default: []


$delimiter (string NULL)

The delimiter used in CSV, tab-separate-files, and other text delimited files. When this is not set, the phpspreadsheet library will automatically detect the text delimiter

Default: null

Data Source File Default Extension

$extension (string 'xlsx')

The default extension used when a directory is specified in $this->file

Default: "xlsx"

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        // specify relative to Laravel project base path
        // feature directories specified
        $set->file = [
        // process all xlsx and csv files in paths specified above
        $set->extension = ['xlsx', 'csv'];        

Data Source File

$file (string) or (array []) or (Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder)

This value is the path of the Excel or CSV file used as the data source. This is a string or array[] and is list of files or directories to process, which can include wildcards. It can also be set to an instance of Symfony Finder, which is a component that is already included with Laravel.

By default, the seeder will process all XLSX files in /database/seeds (for Laravel 5.8 - 7.x) and /database/seeders (for Laravel 8.x and newer).

The path is specified relative to the root of the project

Default: "/database/seeds/*.xlsx"

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        // specify relative to Laravel project base path
        $set->file = [

This setting can also be configured to an instance of Symfony Finder, which is a component that is already included with Laravel.

When using Finder, the path is not relative to base_path() by default. To make the path relative to base_path() prepend it to the finder path. You could also use one of the other Laravel path helpers .


use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        // specify relative to Laravel project base path
        $set->file =
            (new Finder)
                ->in(base_path() . '/database/seeds/')


$hashable (array ['password'])

This is an array of column names in the data source that should be hashed using Laravel's Hash facade.

The hashing algorithm is configured in config/hashing.php per

Example: ['password']

Default: []


$header (boolean TRUE)

If the data source has headers in the first row, setting this to true will skip the first row.

Default: TRUE

Input Encodings

$inputEncodings (array [])

Array of possible input encodings from input data source See

This value is used as the "from_encoding" parameter to mb_convert_encoding. If this is not specified, the internal encoding is used.

Default: []


$limit (int)

Limit the maximum number of rows that will be loaded from a worksheet. This is useful in development to keep loading time fast.

This can be used in conjunction with settings in the environment file or App::environment() (APP_ENV) to limit data rows in the development environment.


use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class SalesTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/sales.xlsx';
        if (App::environment('local'))
            $set->limit = 10000;

Default: null

Column "Mapping"

$mapping (array [])

Backward compatibility to laravel-csv-seeder

This is an array of column names that will be used as headers.

If $this->header is true then the first row of data will be skipped. This allows existing headers in a CSV file to be overridden.

This is called "Mapping" because its intended use is to map the fields of a CSV file without a header line to the columns of a database table.

Example: ['Header Column 1', 'Header Column 2']

Default: []


$offset (integer)

Number of rows to skip at the start of the data source, excluding the header row.

Default: 0

Output Encodings

$outputEncoding (string)

Output encoding to database See

This value is used as the "to_encoding" parameter to mb_convert_encoding.

Default: UTF-8


$parsers (array ['column' => function($value) {}])

This is an associative array of column names in the data source that should be parsed with the specified parser.


['email' => function ($value) {
     return strtolower($value);

Default: []

Read Chunk Size

$readChunkSize (integer)

Number of rows to read per chunk.

Default: 5000


$skipper (string %)

This is a string used as a prefix to indicate that a column in the data source should be skipped. For Excel workbooks, a worksheet prefixed with this string will also be skipped. The skipper prefix can be a multi-character string.

  • Example: Data source column %id_copy will be skipped with skipper set as %
  • Example: Data source column #id_copy will be skipped with skipper set as #
  • Example: Data source column [skip]id_copy will be skipped with skipper set as [skip]
  • Example: Worksheet %worksheet1 will be skipped with skipper set as %

Default: "%";

Skip Columns

$skipColumns (array [])

This is an array of column names that will be skipped in the worksheet.

This can be used to skip columns in the same way as the skipper character, but without modifying the worksheet.

Example: ['column1', 'column2']

Default: []

Skip Sheets

$skipSheets (array [])

This is an array of worksheet names that will be skipped in the workbook.

This can be used to skip worksheets in the same way as the skipper character, but without modifying the workbook.

Example: ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2']

Default: []

Destination Table Name

$tablename (string)

Backward compatibility to laravel-csv-seeder

Table name to insert into in the database. If this is not set then the tablename is automatically resolved by the following rules:

  • if there is only 1 worksheet in a file and the worksheet is not the name of a table, use the base filename
  • otherwise use worksheet name

Use worksheetTableMapping instead to map worksheet names to alternative table names

Default: null

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        // specify relative to Laravel project base path
        // specify filename that is automatically dumped from an external process
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/autodump01234456789.xlsx';  // note: could alternatively be a csv
        // specify the table this is loaded into
        $set->tablename = 'sales';
        // in this example, table truncation also needs to be disabled so previous sales records are not deleted
        $set->truncate = false;

Text Output

$textOutput (boolean) or (string) or (array [])

  • Set to false to disable output of textual markdown tables.
  • true defaults to 'markdown' output for backward compatibility.
  • 'markdown' for markdown output
  • 'yaml' for yaml output
  • ['markdown', 'yaml'] for both markdown and yaml output

Default: TRUE

Text Output Path

$textOutputPath (string) Note: In development, subject to change

Path for text output

After processing a workbook, the seeder outputs a text format of the sheet to assist with diff and merge of the workbook. The default path is in the same path as the input workbook. Setting this path places the output files in a different location.

Default: "";


$timestamps (string/boolean TRUE)

When true, set the Laravel timestamp columns 'created_at' and 'updated_at' with the current date/time.

When false, the fields will be set to NULL

Default: true

Truncate Destination Table

$truncate (boolean TRUE)

Truncate the table before seeding.

Default: TRUE

Note: does not currently support array of table names to exclude

See example for tablename above

Truncate Destination Table Ignoring Foreign Key Constraints

$truncateIgnoreForeign (boolean TRUE)

Ignore foreign key constraints when truncating the table before seeding.

When false, table will not be truncated if it violates foreign key integrity.

Default: TRUE

Note: does not currently support array of table names to exclude

Unix Timestamps

$unixTimestamps (array [])

This is an array of column names that contain values that should be interpreted unix timestamps rather than excel timestamps. See Conversions: Date/Time values

If column mapping is used (see mapping) the column name should match the value in the $mapping array instead of the value in the file, if any.

Note: this setting is currently global and applies to all files or worksheets that are processed. All columns with the specified name in all files or worksheets will be interpreted as unix timestamps. To apply differently to different files, process files with separate Seeder instances.

Example: ['start_date', 'finish_date'];

Default: []


$uuid (array [])

This is an array of column names in the data source that the seeder will generate a UUID for.

The UUID generated is a type 4 "Random" UUID using laravel Str::uuid() helper

If the spreadsheet has the column and has a UUID value in the column, the seeder will use the UUID value from the spreadsheet.

If the spreadsheet has any other value in the column or is empty, the seder will generate a new UUID value.

If the spreadsheet does not have the column, use $addColumns to add the column, and also use $uuid (this setting) to generate a UUID for the added column.

Example: ['uuid']

Default: []


$validate (array [])

This is an associative array mapping column names in the data source that should be validated to a Laravel Validator validation rule. The available validation rules are described here:


  'email' => 'unique:users,email_address',
  'start_date' => 'required|date|after:tomorrow',
  'finish_date' => 'required|date|after:start_date'

Default: []

Worksheet Table Mapping

$worksheetTableMapping (array [])

This is an associative array to map names of worksheets in an Excel file to table names.

Excel worksheets have a 31 character limit.

This is useful when the table name should be longer than the worksheet character limit.

Example: ['Sheet1' => 'first_table', 'Sheet2' => 'second_table']

Default: []

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        // specify the table this is loaded into
        $set->worksheetTableMapping = [
            'first_table_name_abbreviated' => 'really_rather_very_super_long_first_table_name', 
            'second_table_name_abbreviated' => 'really_rather_very_super_long_second_table_name'


Null values

  • String conversions: 'null' is converted to NULL, 'true' is converted to TRUE, 'false' is converted to FALSE
  • 'null' strings converted to NULL are treated as explicit nulls. They are not subject to implicit conversions to default values.
  • Empty cells are set to the default value specified in the database table data definition, unless the entire row is empty
  • If the entire row consists of empty cells, the row is skipped. To intentionally insert a null row, put the string value 'null' in each cell

Date/Time values

When the destination table column is a date/time type, the cell value is converted to a Date/Time format.

  • If the value is numeric, it is assumed to be an excel date value
  • If the value is a string, it is parsed using Carbon::parse and formatted for the SQL query.
  • If the value is a unix timestamp, specify the column name with the Unix Timestamps setting to convert it as a unix timestamp instead of an excel timestamp.


Table with specified timestamps and specified table name

Use a specific timestamp for 'created_at' and 'updated_at' and also give the seeder a specific table name instead of using the CSV filename;

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/csvs/users.csv';
        $set->tablename = 'email_users';
        $set->timestamps = '1970-01-01 00:00:00';

Worksheet to Table Mapping

Map the worksheet tab names to table names.

Excel worksheet tabs have a 31 character limit. This is useful when the table name should be longer than the worksheet tab character limit.

See example above


Map the worksheet or CSV headers to table columns, with the following CSV;

1 Foo Bar
2 John Doe


use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/users.xlsx';
        $set->mapping = ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname'];
        $set->header = FALSE;

Note: this mapping is a legacy laravel-csv-seeder option. The mapping currently applies to all worksheets within a workbook, and is currently designed for single sheet workbooks and CSV files.

There are two workarounds for mapping different column headers for different input files or worksheets:

  1. add header columns to your multi-sheet workbooks
  2. use CSVs or single-sheet workbooks and create a separate seeder for each that need different column mappings

Aliases with defaults

Seed a table with aliases and default values, like this;

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/csvs/users.csv';
        $set->aliases = ['csvColumnName' => 'table_column_name', 'foo' => 'bar'];
        $set->defaults = ['created_by' => 'seeder', 'updated_by' => 'seeder'];


Skip a worksheet in a workbook, or a column in an XLSX or CSV with a prefix. For example you use id in your worksheet which is only usable in your workbook. The worksheet file might look like the following:

%id first_name last_name %id_copy birthday
1 Foo Bar 1 1970-01-01
2 John Doe 2 1980-01-01

The first and fourth value of each row will be skipped with seeding. The default prefix is '%' and changeable. In this example the skip prefix is changed to 'skip:'

skip:id first_name last_name skip:id_copy birthday
1 Foo Bar 1 1970-01-01
2 John Doe 2 1980-01-01
use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/users.xlsx';
        $set->skipper = 'skip:';

To skip a worksheet in a workbook, prefix the worksheet name with '%' or the specified skipper prefix.


Validate each row of an XLSX or CSV like this;

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/users.xlsx';
        $set->validate = [ 'name'              => 'required',
                            'email'             => 'email',
                            'email_verified_at' => 'date_format:Y-m-d H:i:s',
                            'password'          => ['required', Rule::notIn([' '])]];


Hash values when seeding an XLSX or CSV like this;

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/users.xlsx';
        $set->hashable = ['password'];

Input and Output Encodings

The mb_convert_encodings function is used to convert encodings.

use bfinlay\SpreadsheetSeeder\SpreadsheetSeeder;

class UsersTableSeeder extends SpreadsheetSeeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function settings(SpreadsheetSeederSettings $set)
        $set->file = '/database/seeds/users.xlsx';
        $set->inputEncodings = ['UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'];
        $set->outputEncoding = 'UTF-8';

Postgres Sequence Counters

When using Postgres, Excel Seeder for Laravel will automatically update Postgres sequence counters for auto-incrementing id columns.

MySQL automatically handles the sequence counter for its auto-incrementing columns.


Excel Seeder for Laravel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.



  • Fix issue #27. Add MariaDB containers and MariaDB tests. Improve test cases for empty values and explicit null values.


  • Add support for Laravel 11, issue #25
  • initial fix for issue #26, incompatible updates in Orchestra test framework


  • Fix for RefreshDatabase, issue #19


  • Update tests for Laravel 10.x


  • Finish the tests for truncate tables on SQLite, MySQL, and Postgres.


  • Make Postgres Sequence Counters More Robust


  • add parsers setting that enables closures to be run on columns


  • Add YAML text output as an alternative to markdown, which is intended to work better with line-oriented diff editors
  • Improve settings configuration by adding settings method that passes the settings object and supports code completion, instead of overriding run method and using magic methods that prevent code completion. Original method is still supported for backward compatibility.


  • update composer.json to add support for Laravel 9.x and doctrine\dbal 3.x
  • See Installation for new instructions to require DBAL 2.x package for Laravel 5.8, 6.x, 7.x legacy versions.
  • Updated to 3.0.0 because DBAL update breaks backward compatibility of Installation process by requiring DBAL 2.x package for Laravel 5.8, 6.x, 7.x legacy versions.


  • fix bug #10 (contributed by @tezu35)
  • add date time test cases pertaining to #10
  • refactor code base to decouple header and row import transformers from spreadsheet reader
  • implement github actions for automated testing of all supported php and laravel framework versions


  • refactor code base to decouple readers and writers and eliminate mediator
  • add ability to set $this->file to an instance of Symfony Finder
  • automatically update Postgres sequence numbers when using Postgres
  • run tests on 5.8, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, update composer.json, and document


  • added xl:seed command to specify individual sheets as suggested in issue #8


  • update truncate table to disable foreign key integrity constraints issue #8


  • fix for change to mb_convert_encoding in PHP 8 issue #7 (contributed by @mw7147)


  • fix bug in text output tables: deleted worksheets were not deleted from text output tables
  • refactor text output tables


  • enhance progress messages to show progress for each chunk: number of rows processed, memory usage, and processing time
  • fix memory leaks in laravel-excel-seeder
  • fix memory leaks in laravel framework
  • add configuration setting to specify date formats for columns that Carbon cannot automatically parse
  • add unit tests for date parsing


  • improved date support


  • Add limit feature
  • Organize documentation
  • Add limit test


  • Fix bug: v2.1.8 table name is not determine properly when worksheet name is mapped
  • Markdown output: save formulas and comments outside (to the right) of region defined by header columns
  • Testing
    • Add test for table name determination when worksheet names are mapped
    • Refactor test namespaces to correspond to test names
    • Move test-specific example data to laravel-excel-seeder-test-data
    • Lock laravel-excel-seeder-test-data to specific version so that test data remains in-sync with package


  • Fixed "hashable" setting so that it works per documentation. Added "hashable" test.
  • Added batchInsertSize setting to control batch size of insertions. Default 5000 rows.
    • This will address SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 7 number of parameters must be between 0 and 65535
  • Added chunked reading to read spreadsheet in chunks to conserve memory. Default 5000 rows.
    • This will address out of memory errors when reading large worksheets


  • Added initial unit test cases for testing this package
  • Refined auto-resolving of table name:
    • if there is only 1 worksheet in a file and the worksheet is not the name of a table, use the base filename
    • otherwise use worksheet name
  • Implemented fix for issue in DBAL library that occurs when columns have upper case characters


  • Fix tablename setting not being used #5 (contributed by @MeowKim)
  • Add setting to disable text output (default enabled) (contributed by @MeowKim)


  • Change method for text output markdown files. Create a directory with a separate markdown per sheet instead of one long file.


  • Fix bug where worksheet prefixed with skipper string was not skipped if it was the first worksheet in the workbook


  • Parameterize text table output to achieve different text table presentations
  • Fix markdown issue where some tables with empty columns would not be rendered unless the outside column '|' symbols were present


  • Update text table output to output as markdown file


  • Fix bug with calling service container that prevented settings from being properly used


  • Refactor code for better separation of concerns and decrease coupling between classes
  • Add feature to output textual representation of input source spreadsheets for diff


  • add input encodings and output encodings parameters


  • add tablesSeeded property to track which tables were seeded


  • add worksheet to table mapping for mapping worksheet tab names to different table names
  • add example Excel spreadsheet '/database/seeds/xlsx/classicmodels.xlsx'


  • set default 'skipper' prefix to '%'
  • recognize 'skipper' prefix strings greater than 1 character in length


  • skip rows that are entirely empty cells
  • skip worksheet tabs that are prefixed with the skipper character. This allows for additional sheets to be used for documentation, alternative designs, or intermediate calculations.
  • issue #2 - workaround to skip reading and calculating cells that are part of a skipped column. Common use case is using =index(X:X,match(Y,Z:Z,0)) in a skipped column to verify foreign keys.


Seed your database with Laravel using Excel and CSV files









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