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A vim plugin for libclang-based highlighting


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color_coded: semantic highlighting with vim

color_coded is a vim plugin that provides realtime (fast), tagless code highlighting for C++, C, and Objective C using libclang.

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Lua binding for VimL -> C++
  • Exhaustive customization possibilities
  • Unintrusive highlighting; self-contained
  • Utilizes self-contained clang 3.6.0

NOTE: color_coded is currently alpha software; please report issues here if you find them and make some noise on the clang bugs I've reported.

Before color_coded After color_coded



Before installing color_coded on OS X, please read the following. The vim that ships with (even the latest) OS X is not new enough to support color_coded. Furthermore, the default macvim from homebrew doesn't have lua enabled. To ensure you have a valid macvim install on OS X, please do the following:

brew update
brew install macvim --with-lua --override-system-vim
brew linkapps macvim
# Spawn a new shell to use the new system vim

NOTE: color_coded does not currently play nicely with luajit on OS X. For the most stability, please ensure you're using macvim as specified above.


First, install all required dependencies.

sudo apt-get install build-essential liblua5.2-dev lua5.2 libncurses-dev libboost-dev libz-dev

Next, you need to ensure you have GCC 4.9. If you don't, you can try the following (tested on Ubuntu 14.04).

# Install GCC 4.9
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-4.9

# Prefer 4.9 to other versions
sudo update-alternatives --remove-all g++
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 50


Installation has been tested using vundle, but should also be compatible with pathogen. To install using vundle (add the line to your ~/.vimrc, restart vim, run :PluginInstall):

Plugin 'jeaye/color_coded'

Since color_coded has a compiled component, you'll need to manually compile when installing and updating. Compilation works as follows, assuming usage of vundle (see the dependencies section to ensure you can make properly):

cd ~/.vim/bundle/color_coded
./configure && make

For various compatibility reasons, color_coded will attempt to download a known version of clang. This may add time to your configuration process, but it offers more stability across multiple platforms.

NOTE: color_coded, to my knowledge, has not been tested on Windows. Usage

Once color_coded is installed and compiled, it will automatically begin working the next time you start vim. In order for color_coded to know how your code must be compiled, you may need to create a file describing the required compiler options. Note, color_coded assumes sane defaults and tries to allow for immediate usage (it favors C++ in this regard).

That said, in any non-trivial case, you'll find yourself needing to supply a .color_coded file for your project. color_coded will search from the current working directory all the way up to the root of the filesystem looking for a .color_coded file. This makes it possible for you to have one in your home directory, for example, and then in each of your projects' directories. If you don't specify one in a project directory, the one in your home directory is used. Again, if no such files are found, sane defaults will be applied.

color_coded will try its hardest to highlight your code for you, even if there are errors in the translation unit. This allows for better highlighting while typing and highlighting of valid code when color_coded doesn't know everything about your project.

You can test that color_coded is working properly after installation by running make run, which will open a small C++ file known to be valid. Highlighting compilation may take a second, but, after moving the cursor, you should see the code becomes highlighted.

.color_coded file contents

The contents of a .color_coded file is simply a line-separated list of compiler options. For example, the .color_coded file for color_coded is:


NOTE: Out of simplicity, no other data is permitted in the .color_coded file. That is to say, comments are not supported.

Using for languages other than C++

Using for C

Since color_coded defaults to using C++, you'll need to tell it if you're planning on using it for a C project. You can do this by adding these two lines to your .color_coded file, along with all your other flags:




This option controls whether or not color_coded will function. Invoking the :CCtoggle command will modify this option to achieve its results. You may also specify it as 0 in your ~/.vimrc to globally disable color_coded.


let g:color_coded_enabled = 1


This option controls the filetypes which color_coded will try to compile.


let g:color_coded_filetypes = ['c', 'h', 'cpp', 'hpp', 'cc', 'm', 'mm']


There are many new highlighting groups which color_coded adds. They are designed to follow libclang's internals as closely as possible. To tie things together, some wrapper groups have been created that will allow more sweeping changes. The clang groups, by default, are mapped to use these, along with vim's normal groups (Function, Macro, Number, etc).

Generic groups

" To get full highlighting, specify these in your colorscheme.
" See colors/twilighted.vim for example usage

hi Member " Any non-static member variable
hi Variable " Any non-member variable
hi Namespace
hi EnumConstant

Example of clang groups

hi link StructDecl Type
hi link UnionDecl Type
hi link ClassDecl Type
hi link EnumDecl Type

Sample colorscheme

color_coded ships with a sample color scheme demonstrating support for the extended groups. To use it, invoke :colorscheme twilighted. As the name may suggest, the colorscheme is forked from vim's own twilight theme and has been appropriately punned into that which you'll see in the repo. To examine the implementation, visit colors/twilighted.vim. Note that color_coded can work with any colorscheme; this is just a sample.

For more information on all of the supported groups, see after/syntax/color_coded.vim and the clang documentation.



This command outputs the last compilation error message from libclang. If your highlighting is not working properly, you may have a misconfigured .color_coded file or you may have syntax errors in your source. When in doubt, check here first.


This command enables color_coded, if it's currently disabled, or disables it, if it's currently enabled. This enable/disabling is done via the g:color_coded_enabled option.


Compilation of color_coded requires:

  • GCC ≥ 4.9 OR Clang ≥ 3.4
  • Lua ≥ 5.2.x

Usage of color_coded requires vim:

  • Version: 7.4p330+
  • Compiled with Lua support (+lua)


As I type, the highlighting becomes messed up

color_coded tries to compile your coded as you type it. Due to how vim works, color_coded can only update the highlighting once you do something (move the cursor, make a change, etc). When you're done typing and the highlighting has not finished updating, assuming your .color_coded file is sufficient, moving the cursor (or causing events some other way) will allow color_coded to finish.

Note, there is a hold event in vim which triggers after you stop typing and after some delay. color_coded also hooks into this and will use it to apply highlighting if possible.

Some bits aren't highlighted or are highlighted incorrectly

Yup. Believe it or not, these are almost certainly libclang bugs. I've been sorting out a few of them and I'm maintaining my own fork of libclang. If you would like to report such an issue, check out this ticket.

The highlighting isn't refreshed in a new buffer until I move the cursor

This is intentional. The first time you open a buffer, color_coded doesn't know if it's going to compile properly and it doesn't want you to wait while it tries to figure this out. color_coded will always compile in the background and events like moving the cursor or changing text will poll for updates. Note, however, that, once a buffer has highlighting, leaving that buffer and coming back to it will synchronously apply the previous highlighting.

"color_coded unavailable: you need to compile it"

See the above installation docs. When you install color_coded, you need to manually ./configure && make (any errors will be reported) before you can successfully use it.

"color_coded has been updated: you need to recompile it"

Assuming you've updated a working installation of color_coded, you'll get this error if the update requires you to recompile color_coded (i.e. there have been changes to the native API). To recompile, follow the same exact steps you took to compile initially. Generally, this just means ./configure && make.

"xz is required to unpack clang"

As of clang 5.0, both Linux and OS X tarballs are compressed with xz. To install, consider one of the following (or further documentation for your OS/distribution):

brew install xz # for homebrew
port install xz # for macports
sudo apt-get install xz-utils

Does color_coded work with neovim?

I doubt it. color_coded has not been tested on neovim and there has been significant work to the plugin API and the lua interface. For now, at least, color_coded is not supporting neovim.


color_coded is under the MIT open-source license.
See the LICENSE file or


A vim plugin for libclang-based highlighting







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  • C++ 98.2%
  • C 1.6%
  • Other 0.2%