Docker image for markdown code style linter remark-lint.
Pull image from Docker Hub
docker pull zemanlx/remark-lint
Clone this repository and run
docker build -t zemanlx/remark-lint .
Go to your folder with markdown files you want to lint and run
docker run --rm -i -v $PWD:/lint/input:ro zemanlx/remark-lint .
You can even set it up as an alias for remark-cli's command remark
alias remark="docker run --rm -i -v $PWD:/lint/input:ro zemanlx/remark-lint"
remark --version
remark: 9.0.0, remark-cli: 5.0.0
Default config is .remarkrc.yaml
docker run --rm -i -v $PWD:/lint/input:ro zemanlx/remark-lint .
3:100 warning Line must be at most 80 characters maximum-line-length remark-lint
8:1 warning Remove 1 line before node no-consecutive-blank-lines remark-lint
⚠ 2 warnings
In case you want to customize rules like maximum-line-length
you can find
examples of configuration in JSON and YAML in the examples
folder. All you
need to do is copy it to your project root and customize.
See list of all rules in remark-lint/packages.
An option -f
or --frail
can be useful for exiting with code 1
in case of
any warning in your CI.
docker run --rm -i -v $PWD:/lint/input:ro zemanlx/remark-lint --frail .
Your minimal configuration can look like
# Docker is required to run the linter
sudo: required
- docker
# Use your language or generic image to cut start-up time
language: generic
- docker pull zemanlx/remark-lint
- docker run --rm -i -v $PWD:/lint/input:ro zemanlx/remark-lint --frail .
You can extend this example with your build instructions and tests or add it as a job to one of your stages.