A simple tool to generate web traffic, primarily intended for making infosec lab exercises more realistic.
Responding to a security incident can be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack, when looking at network packet captures or at network and security logs. Part of simulating these activities in a realistic fashion for training purposes is generating that haystack.
Haystackr does that by rapidly requesting URLs.
Haystackr can read URLs from
- a user supplied file of URLs (one per line)
- The first (free) page of the Alexa top 500 (which only shows 50)
- The free list of the top 500 sites at moz.com
- Any combination of the above
It then removes duplicates, and iterates through the resulting list, grabbing each URL and compiling a list of all src-referenced resources in that page (images, scripts, etc). That list is then deduplicated per page, and those files are requested.
Once the list is complete, the program exits, unless the -p/perpetual option was specified - in which case it starts at the top of the list again.
This is not a spidering tool; there are already excellent tools for that. The only point was to crate a quick script to generate "clean" traffic.
haystackr.py [-h] [-p] [-s SLEEP_MS] [-v] [-x] [-a] [-m] [-l LIST_FILE]
haystackr -h for more usage infromation