Ad Astra Information Systems
- Olathe, Kansas
- bgswilde.github.io
oasis_form_checker Public
flutter/firebase app to help leaders attending oasis student conference track their form submissions.
Dart MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2023 -
vm2 Public
Forked from patriksimek/vm2Advanced vm/sandbox for Node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2022 -
whois-it Public
An application to search for WHOIS information based on IP address or domain name. Built with React, utilizing a Node/Express server and the JSON WHOIS API.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
Happy-Checkin Public
Stay Happy is a hotel room management application to help a hotel or Bed and Breakfast get available room details and booking information in front of a customer. A customer can then use Stay Happy …
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2021 -
shop-shop Public
Class repository for lessons involving redux, stripe, and global state
UpdatedNov 15, 2021 -
Book-Search-Engine Public
MERN stack application utilizing GraphQL to allow users to retrieve book info from a database of books.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 14, 2021 -
bgswilde.github.io Public
Brian Wilde's personal portfolio, made with React. (See React-Portfolio-Wilde repo for full commit history)
JavaScript UpdatedNov 12, 2021 -
React-Portfolio-Wilde Public
A portfolio made with React for Brian Wilde, full stack developer.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 12, 2021 -
deep-thoughts Public
Class Repository... social media network using graphQL, react...
JavaScript UpdatedNov 11, 2021 -
pwa-budget-tracker Public
Conversion of a budget tracking application to a Progressive Web Application
JavaScript UpdatedOct 27, 2021 -
food-festival Public
Class repo for a PWA and performance enhancement project
HTML UpdatedOct 22, 2021 -
thought-thinker-mongoapi Public
An API using MongoDB for a social networking application called Thought Thinker, where users can post their thoughts, react to others thoughts, and engage with other thinkers.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
pizza-hunt Public
Class repository, implementing MongoDB with Mongoose to provide an API for users to interact with on this pizza discussion based social media.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 16, 2021 -
thisthat Public
A thought-provoking choice app, displaying THIS or THAT questions for a user to choose from and discuss amongst their friends or debate internally.
Tech-Blog Public
Using MVC principles and handlebars.js templating engine, this application allows an authenticated user to publish articles and blog posts.
Node-Employee-Tracker Public
Command line application using Node.js (inquirer) and MySQL to view and manage company employees.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 24, 2021 -
ORMify-Ecommerce Public
Taking a working Express.js e-commerce style API and connecting it to a backend database using Sequelize.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 17, 2021 -
just-a-little-note Public
An app to take notes and retrieve previously jotted notes.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 4, 2021 -
Bucket-Traveler Public
Forked from Derimarg/destination-hubBucket Traveler allows a prospective traveler to search a city anywhere in the globe, and popular nature sites near that city will populate with images and links to more details. The user can then …
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 30, 2021 -
team-profile-generator Public
Node.js application using command line prompts to gather team employee information to display on a well-styled webpage.
READme-maker Public
Node.js application using command line prompts to gather information to create a README markdown file. (this application is used to create the READMEs in most of my github repositories.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 17, 2021