Moviebuzz is a highly scalable Movie Reviews and Movie Ticket Booking platform created for learning purpose.
- Horizontally scalable
- Highly Concurrent
- Microservice Architecture
- Containerized Application
- API Authentication and Authorization
- Real-time Service Monitoring and Alerts using Appdynamics
- Production Grade Code with Integration Tests using Docker Containers
- Cassandra
- ElasticSearch
- Docker
- Apache Kafka
- Spring Cloud
- Hashicorp Consul
- Zookeeper
map mkafka and mzookeeper hostnames to localhost in local machine mkafka mzookeeper
Run maven build on moviebuzz-parent module to generate JAR files
mvn clean install
Run maven build using 'integrate' profile to launch docker containers and run Integration Tests
mvn clean install -Pintegrate
After running above command, docker images will be created on host machine.
All the required Container Stack will be up on your local machine to run integration tests.
If all the integration tests are successful, Build will be successful otherwise build will fail.
Feel free to Fork a repo and submit a PR. You can add support for following pending Tasks.
- Adding APIs to delete existing Entities from ElasticSearch and Cassandra
- Support for ElasticSeach update, delete Query in ElasticsearchService
- Integrating SQL database for real time Bookings
- SQL database schema