Productivity. Performance. Happiness.
Amber makes building web applications fast, simple, and enjoyable - with fewer bugs and blazing fast performance.
Amber is a web application framework written in Crystal inspired by Kemal, Rails, Phoenix and other popular application frameworks.
The purpose of Amber is not to create yet another framework, but to take advantage of the beautiful Crystal language capabilities and provide engineers and the Crystal community with an efficient, cohesive, well maintained web framework that embraces the language philosophies, conventions, and guidelines.
Amber borrows concepts that have already been battle tested and successful, and embraces new concepts through team and community collaboration and analysis, which also aligns with Crystal's philosophy.
Questions? Join our IRC channel #amber and Gitter room or ask on Stack Overflow under the amber-framework tag.
Guidelines? We have adopted the Contributor Covenant to be our CODE OF CONDUCT for Amber.
Our Philosophy? Read Amber Philosophy H.R.T.
Read Amber documentation on
Techempower Framework Benchmarks - Round 16 (2018-06-06)
Fortunes test comparing Amber, Kemal, Rails, Phoenix, and Hanami:
brew install amber
git clone
cd amber
git checkout stable
sudo make install
If you're using ArchLinux or similar distro try:
yaourt -S amber
To compile a local bin/amber
per project use shards build amber
To use it as dependency, add this to your application's shard.yml
github: amberframework/amber
Read more about Amber CLI installation guide
Use Amber badge
Contributing to Amber can be a rewarding way to learn, teach, and build experience in just about any skill you can imagine. You don’t have to become a lifelong contributor to enjoy participating in Amber.
Tracking issues? Check our project board.
Code Triage? Join us on codetriage.
Amber is a community effort and we want You to be part of it. Join Amber Community!
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Write and execute specs
crystal spec
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create a new Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details