almond Public
Forked from almond-sh/almondA Scala kernel for Jupyter
Scala BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 4, 2022 -
jruby Public
Forked from jruby/jrubyJRuby, an implementation of Ruby on the JVM
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 4, 2015 -
ffi-clang Public
Forked from ioquatix/ffi-clangRuby FFI bindings for libclang.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2012 -
mini_transformer Public
A gem to bind portions of an xml document to an OpenStruct object and transform that object to some new output format using ERB.
em-synchrony Public
Forked from igrigorik/em-synchronyFiber aware EventMachine clients and convenience classes
homebrew Public
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
Babylon-js Public
Forked from aconbere/Babylon-jsA port of Skates to Javascript + Bosh
strophejs Public
Forked from metajack/strophejsStrophe.js is an XMPP library for JavaScript
jetty-rails Public
Forked from jdamick/jetty-railsuse jetty to run any warbler based rails project