So it appears that most Unicode characters can be used in Clojure symbols... The sky is the limit.
=> (def π interleave)
=> (π [1 2 3] ["a" "b" "c"])
(1 "a" 2 "b" 3 "c")
=> (defrecord π€ [π π« π’ π π±])
=> (map->π€ {:π "123 Washington Ave." :π« "UofM Twin Cities" :π’ "CoCo Minneapolis" :π "867-5309" :π± "555-5555"})
#user.π€{:π "123 Washington Ave.", :π« "UofM Twin Cities", :π’ "CoCo Minneapolis", :π "867-5309", :π± "555-5555"}
=> (type π€)
=> (.getName π€)
Unicode has many different groups of "digit" (base 10) glyphs. Java's Character class recognizes many of these as digits:
assertTrue( Character.isDigit('α
') );
Additionally, the Number classes appear to be able to parse them:
assertEquals( 1111, Long.valueOf("Ω‘Ω’Ω£") );
Even more fun is that Java doesn't even care if they are all from the same group of digits:
assertEquals( 12121212, Long.valueOf("ّْ১২αα12") );