Nankai University
- Tianjin,China
(UTC +08:00)
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UDMDet_TII Public
[TII 2024] An official implementation of ''A Novel Underwater Detection Method for Ambiguous Object Finding via Distraction Mining''
[TGRS 2023] An official implementation of Multitype Feature Perception and Refined Network for Spaceborne Infrared Ship Detection
TEBCF_tgrs Public
TEBCF: Real-World Underwater Image Texture Enhancement Model Based on Blurriness and Color Fusion
cbm_tgrs Public
An Underwater Image Vision Enhancement Algorithm Based on Contour Bougie Morphology
sea-thru Public
Forked from hainh/sea-thruImplementation of Sea-thru by Derya Akkaynak and Tali Treibitz
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 4, 2022 -
deeplearning-models Public
Forked from rasbt/deeplearning-modelsA collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2021 -
hybrid-boat-detection Public
Forked from tunai/hybrid-boat-detectionSize-invariant Detection of Marine Vessels from Visual Time Series (WACV 2021)
Python UpdatedNov 11, 2020 -
pumpkin-book Public
Forked from datawhalechina/pumpkin-book《机器学习》(西瓜书)公式推导解析,在线阅读地址:https://datawhalechina.github.io/pumpkin-book
Other UpdatedJul 2, 2020 -
paper algorithm implementation: 《color balance and fusion for underwater image enhancement》
underwater_image_fusion Public
DeepLearning Public
Forked from MingchaoZhu/DeepLearningPython for《Deep Learning》,该书为《深度学习》(花书) 数学推导、原理剖析与源码级别代码实现
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
openwrt-fanqiang Public
Forked from RyanTech/openwrt-fanqiang最好的路由器翻墙、科学上网教程—OpenWrt—shadowsocks
Shell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 23, 2020 -
PRMLT Public
Forked from PRML/PRMLTMatlab code for machine learning algorithms in book PRML
MATLAB MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2020 -
MathModel Public
Forked from zhanwen/MathModel研究生数学建模,数学建模竞赛优秀论文,数学建模算法,LaTeX论文模板,算法思维导图,参考书籍,Matlab软件教程,PPT
TeX MIT License UpdatedFeb 29, 2020 -
underwater_datasets Public
Forked from xahidbuffon/Awesome_Underwater_DatasetsPointers to a collection of underwater image-based datasets and relevant resources.