Contributors: billerickson
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 1.1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
BE Like Content is a lean plugin for allowing visitors to mark favorite content. It's developer-friendly and very extensible. To see it in use, visit my blog.
In your theme, use be_like_content()->display()
to display the like button. It is unstyled, so you will need to style it yourself.
You can also customize it with the following filters:
Customize the default settings. These currently include the supported post types and the text for zero, one, and many likes.{count}
is a placeholder that's replaced with the actual count.be_like_content_load_assets
Whether the JS file loads. If you place this in your theme -add_filter( 'be_like_content_load_assets', '__return_false' )
- you can copy the JS file into your own file and tweak it as needed. Make sure you include both be-like-content.js and its dependency, js.cookie.js.be_like_content_display_count
Modify the display of the text inside the like link. On my site, I used this to add an SVG icon of a thumbs up.be_like_content_popular_widget_args
Customize the query arguments for the "Popular Content" dashboard widget. It's currently set to show the 20 most popular post across all supported post types.