A set of useful mixins for LESS, the CSS pre-processor: lesscss.org
I recommend 'CodeKit' app for best work results :) (only OS X)
- .gradient-h - CSS3 - horizontal gradient (works in IE)
- .gradient-v - CSS3 - veritical gradient (works in IE)
- .gradient-radial - CSS3 - radial gradient (works also on IE9+)
- .bordered - custom borders color and size style
- .alpha-shadow - CSS3 - transparent black shadow
- .outer-shadow - CSS3 - outher element shadow
- .inner-shadow - CSS3 - shadow inside the element
- .io-shadow - CSS3 - inner & outer shadow
- .rounded - CSS3 - rounded corners
- .box-sizing - box-model fixes
- .opacity - transparency for the elements
- .font - fast fonts editing
- .rotation - CSS3 - simple rotate elements
- .scale - CSS3 - elements scaling
- .translate - CSS3 - transform elements (works also on IE9+)
- .transition - CSS3 - transition effects
- .animation - CSS3 - simple add animation (required: but you also can create your own animation)
- .columns - CSS3 - text management
.gradient-h(#fff, #fbfbfb);
.gradient-v(#fff, #fbfbfb);
.gradient-radial(#fff, #fbfbfb);
.bordered(#EEE, #CCC, #999, #333, 1px);
.alpha-shadow(0 0 4px, 0.6);
.outer-shadow(0px 0px 0.83em, #333);
.inner-shadow(0px 0px 1px, #fbfbfb);
.io-shadow(0px 1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4), 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
or .rounded(4px 2px 3px 0);
.font(1em, 1.25em, bold);
.translate(10, 0);
.transition(all, 0.2s, ease-out, 1s);
or .animation(fadeIn, 0, ease, 2s, 1, normal, running);
.columns(250, 0, 50, #EEE, solid, 1px);