Helpful shell scripts and programs.
- color - Working with 8- and 24-bit color in the terminal
- coverage - Check JVM Maven project coverage with JaCoCo and Pitest
- fibs - Matrix math with Fibonacci Q-matrix
- gee - Git and tee mashup
- git - Git help and extensions
- jurlq - Mash-up of curl and jq ("xpath" for JSON) (Deprecated: use HTTPie)
- ksh - KSH-specific scripting
- maven-bash-testing - Maven driving Bash
- maven-tools - Helper scripts for maven repos
- mdv - Markdown viewer
- open - Launch UI programs from the command line
- plain-bash-testing - Bash test framework
- rls - Handle GPG from command line for other programs
- run-jvm-main - Run executable jar including auto-rebuild
- svn-recommit - Reedit an SVN commit message
- starter - Starter script for writing commands in BASH
- unicode - Work with UNICODE data
- workaround-for-jenv-on-cygwin - Until supports Cygwin
$ make
On success exits 0 and prints no output. On failures, should be noisy and in color (when run on a suitable terminal). However, parse errors by BASH will not be in color: it is too early to have enabled color support.
- Shows off the Fibonacci Q matrix with Bash integer mathmdv
- Markdown viewer
- Top-level make does not know about working offline