(SFSU senior/grad project) A restaurant table reservation web application with advance-ordering.
Eric C. Black - Team Lead
Sebastian Babb - Tech Lead & Senior Back End Developer
Chanin Pithya-achariyakul - Senior Front End Developer
JongHoon (John) Choi - Usability & Quality Assurance Developer
Xiaoqian (Elaine) Ma - Front End Developer
Jagatdeep Anand - Back End Developer
eaTable is a restaurant table reservation web application which provides general users the ability to order their meal in advance. This was a student project for CSC648: Software Engineering at San Francisco State University with a development time frame of 3 months. Languages used included HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP on an Amazon Web Services server with a MySQL database. We used a roll-your-own model-view-controller architecture as we were not permitted by the instructor to use a pre-built framework. Collaboration and version control were achieved via Subversion VCS.
This link points to our application as of the end of the semester, prior to our final class presentation, stored on the class Amazon Web Server. It is available purely for demonstration purposes and is not a real service: http://sfsuswe.com/~f15g04/