Copyright (c) 2022 BitBank Software, Inc.
Written by Larry Bank
[email protected]
This collection of code is a place to experiment with sending images from one system to another over BLE and displaying them on e-paper. The ultimate use will be to have low power MCUs listening for connections and efficiently receiving images wirelessly either from computers or other MCUs. For now I have an Arduino Nano 33 BLE receiver with the e-paper attached as well as hacked Hanshow electronic shelf labels. On the sending side I have a MacOS GUI application with drag-drop image handling and a slightly less functional Android app which can also send images. Feel free to contribute code or ideas to improve any or all of this project
The image above depicts the connections to an Arduino Nano 33 BLE board for this project. The following pins are used:
- Button 1 = D2
- Button 2 = D3
- E-Paper CLK = D13
- E-Paper CS = D10
- E-Paper MOSI = D12
- E-Paper RST = D14/A0
- E-Paper BUSY = D15/A1
- E-Paper D/C = D16/A2
Other pin combinations are certainly possible, but those are the ones I chose for the prototype.