CuteRest is a REST client tool dedicated for JSON... and also for XML. Website avaible at
CuteRest is an opensource tool dedicated to communicate with a REST server. It's particulary useful to manage
Json Request during developement step. Actually, They are several tool for this purpose. You can use plugins from
your browser, like Postman. or use httpie as command-line from your console. But those application doesn't provide
a tree view for Json or XML response. YOu only have raw data, and you must use another software, like
jsonviewer to view your content as a tree.
CuteRest have both. It's a REST client which have different view to parse the response.
- View as JSON Tree
- View as XML Tree
- HTML Web rendering
- JSON syntax highlighter
- XML syntax highlighter
- Search by key or value inside the tree
- Authentification: Basic,NTLM version 2 and Digest-MD5
- Proxy settings
- View History
- Save Request in Favorite
- Import & Export favorte
Windows binaries can be downloaded from here: CuteRest-win32-beta-0.1.exe
Mac OS binaries can be downloaded from here: CuteRest-beta-0.1.dmg
CuteRest works well on Linux. There is not yet package avaible for distribution. I will publish a debian package as soon as possible. For now, you need to compile it as it's describe below.
Compiling on Windows, OSX, Linux, and FreeBSD are really easy. But cutrest need a least Qt5.4 . Older version will generate complain during the compilation.
- Download the community Qt 5.4 SDK from
- Download the source code from master branch.
- From Qt Creator , File > Open project then select
- Compile and run it by clicking on the Green button
If you want to install it on your system. Compile and install it from the command line by using qmake your Qt installation path.
sudo make install
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- Version beta 0.1 released - 2015-04-06
## Author
- Schutz alias @dridk Create all the Qt code
- Eugene Trounev alias @its help for the design
- Lucas Bourneuf alias @Aluriak help for the Json Tree model
CuteRest is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later.