Bitcoin is an innovative, digital currency and payment system that makes transacting online faster, easier, and safer.
Bitcoin protects consumers from identity theft, makes international banking more efficient and accessible, reduces transaction costs, and eliminates the risk of payment fraud.
For more information, please visit
When referring to the payment system, Bitcoin is written with the B
capitalized. In code – or when referring to units of the currency – bitcoin is all lowercase.
- ✓ Bitcoin (the system)
- ✓ bitcoin (currency units)
- ✓
(code) - × BitCoin
- × Bit-coin
- × Bit coin
- × bitCoin
##Bitcoin Orange
The Bitcoin Orange is PMS 130. Please use official Pantone Matching System swatches where available.
###Color Bridge Matches
Red | Green | Blue |
242 | 169 | 0 |
Cyan | Magenta | Yellow | Key (Black) |
0 | 32 | 100 | 0 |
##Bitcoin Logo
Dark logo (for use on light backgrounds):
RGB: png, svg
CMYK: eps, ai
Light logo (for use on dark backgrounds):
RGB: png, svg
CMYK: eps, ai
##Bitcoin Icon
RGB: png, svg
CMYK: pdf, eps, ai
To the extent possible under law,
BitPay, Inc.
has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
This work is published from:
United States.