Learn how to get file count in folder and iterate folders for files
Folder Monitor is a windows service for sync files and folders with nice GUI, it uses the robocopy tool.
WolfPACS is an DICOM load balancer written in Erlang.
A curated list of awesome open source workflow engines
The official Firely .NET SDK for HL7 FHIR
This repo contains a sample application based on a Garage Management System for Pitstop - a fictitious garage. The primary goal of this sample is to demonstrate several software-architecture concep…
Automatically exported from
ecs-sync is a bulk copy utility that can move data between various systems in parallel
DaybydayCRM an open-source CRM, to help you keep track of your daily workflow.
Simple .NET logging with fully-structured events
Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 7, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual St…
Detect Sensitive REST API communication using Deep Neural Networks
.NET 8 API for document file format identification, text/metadata/attachment/embedded object/sensitive item (PII/PHI)/entity extraction.
JavaScript implementation of a DICOM P10 converter to Ion
Library for clinical NLP with spaCy.
sandrociceros / DataMasker
Forked from Steveiwonder/DataMaskerA free data masking and/or anonymizer library
FileShoal - copy files to a number of different systems via ssh/scp
Context aware, pluggable and customizable data protection and de-identification SDK for text and images
Open source code base for enabling software innovation in medical imaging
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
Convert a PDF via OCR to a TXT file in UTF-8 encoding
Azure friendly DICOMweb part 18 .NET server with qido-rs, wado-rs, stow-rs, wado-uri RESTful implementation