ZotPrime is a fully packaged repository aimed to make on-premise Zotero deployment easier with the last versions of both Zotero client and server. This is the result of sleepness nights spent to deploy Zotero within my organization on a disconnected network. Feel free to open issues or pull requests if you did not manage to use it.
Localhost installation is for setup when server and client will run on the same computer.
VM (virtual machine) installation is for setup when server and clinet are on different hosts. I.e. server is in VM and client is running on another computer.
Install latest docker compose plugin:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install docker-compose-plugin
Clone the repository (with --recursive):
$ mkdir /path/to/your/app && cd /path/to/your/app
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/uniuuu/zotprime.git
$ git checkout production
$ cd zotprime
$ cp .env_example .env
Edit .env and change DSHOST.
For Localhost Installation:
For VM Installation:
DSHOST=http://<VM IP Address>:8080/
$ sudo docker compose up -d
Initialize databases:
$ ./bin/init.sh
$ cd ..
Available endpoints:
Name | URL |
Zotero API | http://localhost:8080 or http://<VM IP Address>:8080/ |
S3 | http://localhost:9000 or http://<VM IP Address>:9000/ |
PHPMyAdmin | http://localhost:8083 or http://<VM IP Address>:8083/ |
S3 Web UI | http://localhost:9001 or http://<VM IP Address>:9001/ |
Stream Server | ws://localhost:8081 or ws://<VM IP Address>:8081/ |
Default login/password:
Name | Login | Password |
Zotero API | admin | admin |
S3 Web UI | zotero | zoterodocker |
PHPMyAdmin | root | zotero |
Clone the repository:
$ mkdir /path/to/your/app && cd /path/to/your/app
$ git clone https://github.com/uniuuu/zotprime.git
$ git checkout production
$ cd zotprime
Install Google Cloud SDK: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install
Install Terraform: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/aws-get-started/install-cli
Install Kubectl: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/
Install Helm: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/
$ gcloud init
$ gcloud iam service-accounts create zotprimeprod
$ gcloud projects list
$ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_ID> --member="serviceAccount:NAME@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role="roles/owner"
- <PROJECT_ID> is name of your project ID
- NAME@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com is email ID of service account
$ cd ./zotprime-k8s/GKE/terraform
$ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create cred.json --iam-account=NAME@PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com
$ mv cred.json ./auth/
$ gcloud services enable container.googleapis.com
$ gcloud services enable cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com
$ cp terraform.tfvars_example terraform.tfvars
Edit terraform.tfvars and change project_id, region, zones, node-locations, minnode, maxnode, disksize, machine
$ terraform init
$ terraform fmt && terraform validate && terraform plan
$ terraform apply
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials zotprime-k8s-prod
$ cd ..
Check cluster and install Zotprime Helm Chart
$ kubectl config get-contexts
$ kubectl get all --all-namespaces
Edit ./helm-chart/values.yaml and change dsuri:, s3Pointuri:, api:, streamserver:, minios3Data:, phpmyadmin:, minios3Web: .
Replace to your hostnames api (dsuri:, api:), S3 Minio Data (s3Pointuri:, minios3Data:), Stream Server (streamserver:), Phpmyadmin (phpmyadmin:) and S3 Minio Web (minios3Web:):
- dsuri: http://api-any.yourhostname.io/
- s3Pointuri: s3-any.yourhostname.io
- api: api-any.yourhostname.io
- streamserver: stream-any.yourhostname.io
- minios3Data: s3-any.yourhostname.io
- phpmyadmin: phpmyadmin-any.yourhostname.io
- minios3Web: minioweb-any.yourhostname.io
$ kubectl create namespace zotprime
$ helm install zotprime-k8s helm-chart --namespace zotprime
$ kubectl get -A cm,secrets,deploy,rs,sts,pod,pvc,svc,ing
Obtain Ingress IP's and setup A records in DNS hosting:
Wait while GCP will provision IP's verify with below command output in ADDRESS column
$ kubectl get -A ing
Available endpoints:
Name | URL |
Zotero API | http://api-any.yourhostname.io |
S3 | http://s3-any.yourhostname.io |
PHPMyAdmin | http://phpmyadmin-any.yourhostname.io |
S3 Web UI | http://minioweb-any.yourhostname.io |
Stream Server | ws://stream-any.yourhostname.io |
Default login/password:
Name | Login | Password |
Zotero API | admin | admin |
S3 Web UI | zotero | zoterodocker |
PHPMyAdmin | root | zotero |
Clone the repository:
$ mkdir /path/to/your/app && cd /path/to/your/app
$ git clone https://github.com/uniuuu/zotprime.git
$ git checkout production
Install Microk8s: https://microk8s.io/docs/getting-started
Install Kubectl: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/
Install Helm: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/
Install microk8s modules:
microk8s enable hostpath-storage
microk8s enable helm
microk8s enable registry
microk8s enable dns
microk8s enable ingress
Enable metallb based on guide https://microk8s.io/docs/addon-metallb. Use available IP range from your LAN.
microk8s enable metallb:<IP-range>
Check cluster
$ kubectl config get-contexts
$ kubectl get all --all-namespaces
Build and push images to Microk8s registry
$ cd zotprime/microk8s/scripts
$ ./buildimages.sh
$ ./pushimages.sh
Install Zotprime Helm Chart
$ cd ../
$ kubectl create namespace zotprime
$ helm install zotprime-k8s helm-chart --namespace zotprime
$ kubectl get -A cm,secrets,deploy,rs,sts,pod,pvc,svc,ing
Obtain Ingress IP's and setup A records in all DNS servers (or add in /etc/hosts) in client and server LAN Run:
$ kubectl get -A ing
Available endpoints:
Name | URL |
Zotero API | http://api.zotprime |
S3 | http://s3min.zotprime |
PHPMyAdmin | http://pm.zotprime |
S3 Web UI | http://min.zotprime |
Stream Server | ws://stream.zotprime |
Default login/password:
Name | Login | Password |
Zotero API | admin | admin |
S3 Web UI | zotero | zoterodocker |
PHPMyAdmin | root | zotero |
Edit and run:
- For Localhost Installation argument's are:
- For VM Installation arguments are:
HOST_DS=http://<VM IP Address>:8080/
HOST_ST=ws://<VM IP Address:8081/
- For GKE Installation arguments are:
- For Microk8s Installation arguments are:
- Edit argument MLW=[w|l]: w=Windows, l=Linux
Replace respective arguments in the command below and run it:
$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --progress=plain --file client.Dockerfile \
--build-arg HOST_DS=http://<input argument>:8080/ \
--build-arg HOST_ST=ws://<input argument>:8081/ \
--build-arg MLW=l --output build .
Run client:
$ ./build/staging/Zotero_VERSION/zotero(.exe))
For [m|l|w]: m=Mac, l=Linux, w=Windows
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ cd client
$ ./config.sh
$ cd zotero-client
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ cd ../zotero-standalone-build
$ ./fetch_xulrunner.sh -p m
$ ./fetch_pdftools
$ ./scripts/dir_build -p m
Run client:
$ ./staging/Zotero_VERSION/zotero
Connect with the default user and password:
Name | Login | Password |
Zotero | admin | admin |
- https://github.com/FiligranHQ/zotprime
- https://github.com/gfacciol/zotero_dataserver-docker
- https://github.com/isabekov/dataserver
- https://github.com/piernov/zotprime
- https://github.com/Dwarf-Planet-Project/zotero_installation
- https://github.com/foxsen/zotero-selfhost
- https://github.com/zehuanli/zotero-selfhost
- https://github.com/fversaci/zotero-prime