Fork of Program AB, the reference implementation of the AIML 2.0 draft specification. AIML is a widely adopted standard for creating chat bots and mobile virtual assistants like ALICE, Mitsuku, English Tutor, The Professor, S.U.P.E.R. and many more.
1. Build entirely with Maven, without embedded JARs in project sources [done]
2. Replace System.out.println with SLF4J logging [done]
3. Replace ex.printStackTrace(); with detailed Exception [partial]
4. Replace commons-logging dependency with SLF4J 1.6/1.7 [done]
5. Allow loading bot data files from classpath (too complex, and probably non-performant in Android anyway, alternative: extract the bot ZIP file to getCacheDir()
6. Replace json dependency with jackson 2.2
7. Run well with Android Gingerbread (API 9)