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Automated Acceptance Testing for Mobile Apps
$ cd calabash
$ ./
$ ./
Before Calabash is ready to be released, the old gems will exist outside version control. To make a change run the script
. This will copy the Android and iOS repositories and extract them as files in the directory old
. Then execute
. This script will move old files into their new directories. To make changes to "old files" e.g. move them, add your steps to
and execute it. To make code changes to old files, change them locally first to ensure they work. Then copy the change to the branch united
on either iOS or Android. Commit the changes and push them upstream.
will always download the newest files.
TODO Release instructions for Android and iOS.
$ rake -T
rake android:build # Build the Android test server
rake build # Build calabash-1.9.9.pre2.gem into the pkg directory
rake ctags # Generate ctags in ./git/tags
rake cucumber:android # Run Android cucumber tests
rake cucumber:ios # Run iOS cucumber tests
rake install # Build and install calabash-1.9.9.pre2.gem into system gems
rake release # Create tag v1.9.9.pre2 and build and push calabash-1.9.9.pre2.gem to Rubygems
rake spec # Run RSpec code examples
rake unit # Run RSpec code examples
rake yard # Generate YARD Documentation
rake yard:publish # Generate and publish docs
$ be rake unit # All unit tests.
$ be rake spec # All tests. Launches iOS Simulators, etc.
$ be guard # Run unit tests as you develop.
$ cd cucumber/ios
$ bundle update
$ rake ensure_app # Optional. See note below.
$ be cucumber
The rake task ensure_app
checks the cucumber/ios
directory for If it exists, it will do nothing. If it does not exist,
it will pull the latest sources from the CalSmoke repo, build the from the master branch, and install it in the
If you want to use a different, drop it into cucumber/ios
or call cucumber with CAL\_APP
$ CAL_APP=/path/to/your/ be cucumber
The rake task ensure_ipa
does the same thing, but for the CalSmoke-cal.ipa.
Testing against physical devices requires that you have ideviceinstaller installed in /usr/local/bin/ideviceinstaller.