Based on arXiv:2209.14667 (Domain-aware Self-supervised Pre-training for Label-Efficient Meme Analysis).
Description of project: We are specifically working on self supervised pre-training method MM-SimCLR introduced in above paper. This paper presents the design and evaluation of efficient multimodal frameworks that do not rely upon large scale dataset curation and annotation and can be pretrained using the datasets from the wild.
Please create a conda environment with the packages mentioned in requirements.txt All code related to project are available here. Please download the following datasets for training:
Hateful Memes:
Multimodal Hate Speech:
Unsupervised: Please run the following script file making appropriate file path and environment changes
Supervised: Please run the following script file making appropriate file path and environment changes
the output will be available in the "runs" folder with the training log and checkpoints in the corresponding "experiment_name" folder
Please run the following commands making appropriate file path for data and checkpoints obtained after training and environment changes With Profiling:
python3 "/scratch/bka2022/pytorch-example/multimodal-MEMES-master/" --experiment "Eval_Profile" --ckpt "/scratch/bka2022/pytorch-example/multimodal-MEMES-master/runs/spervised_2_MMcontr_1_GPU_2/last_checkpoint-resnet18--distilbert-base-uncased--2x512d--0.20p--std--c--classifier--2x512--bn--selfattend--tanh--2.pth.tar" -data "/scratch/bka2022/pytorch-example/hateful_memes_data" -b 256 --supervised --mmcontr --evaluate_only --bn --profile
Without profiling:
python3 "/scratch/bka2022/pytorch-example/multimodal-MEMES-master/" --experiment "Eval_Profile" --ckpt "/scratch/bka2022/pytorch-example/multimodal-MEMES-master/runs/spervised_2_MMcontr_1_GPU_2/last_checkpoint-resnet18--distilbert-base-uncased--2x512d--0.20p--std--c--classifier--2x512--bn--selfattend--tanh--2.pth.tar" -data "/scratch/bka2022/pytorch-example/hateful_memes_data" -b 256 --supervised --mmcontr --evaluate_only --bn