- Plaisir, France
markdown-cv Public
Forked from elipapa/markdown-cva simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
CSS MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2023 -
react-complete-guide-code Public
Forked from academind/react-complete-guide-codeCode snapshots and materials for our "React - The Complete Guide" course (https://acad.link/reactjs)
UpdatedJun 15, 2022 -
multilingual-markdown Public
Forked from ryul1206/multilingual-markdownmultilingual markdown generator, auto table of contents, no-suffix options
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2020 -
MUZ-Workshop Public
Z-80 Workshop C++ Platform with Assembler and YAZE emulator integration
C++ UpdatedMay 28, 2020 -
z88dk Public
Forked from z88dk/z88dkThe development kit for over a hundred z80 family machines - c compiler, assembler, linker, libraries.
C Other UpdatedMay 26, 2020 -
Code exemple pour un LCD en I2C sur un SC126
UpdatedMay 15, 2020 -
Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-library Public
Forked from fdebrabander/Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-libraryLibrary for the LiquidCrystal LCD display connected to an Arduino board.
C++ UpdatedFeb 23, 2020 -
elasticsearch Public
Forked from elastic/elasticsearchOpen Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
Java Other UpdatedNov 27, 2019 -
fonts Public
Forked from powerline/fontsPatched fonts for Powerline users.
Shell UpdatedJun 28, 2019 -
pigfx Public
Forked from fbergama/pigfxPiGFX is a bare metal kernel for the Raspberry Pi that implements a basic ANSI terminal emulator with the additional support of some primitive graphics functions.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2019 -
linc80cpmPack Public
Forked from linc80/linc80cpmPackThe files and scripts used to build the official CF disk images for CP/M in LiNC80 with SCMon v 1.0.0
Batchfile UpdatedMay 29, 2018 -
PHP-CPP Public
Forked from CopernicaMarketingSoftware/PHP-CPPLibrary to build PHP extensions with C++
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2014 -
VSTextMacros Public
Forked from xps/VSTextMacrosAn extension for Visual Studio 2012/2013 that brings back support for macros in text/code editors
C# UpdatedJul 11, 2014