KubeSensor Public
Repository for the Kube home automation multi sensor platform
Prolog MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2024 -
openhab2-conf-bartus Public
My collection of openHAB2 configuration files.
ESPEasy Public
Forked from letscontrolit/ESPEasyEasy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266
C++ Other UpdatedApr 4, 2021 -
openhab-google-assistant Public
Forked from openhab/openhab-google-assistantopenHAB Google Assistant: Actions on Google for openHAB
hasp-lvgl Public
Forked from HASwitchPlate/openHASPHomeAutomation Switchplate based on LittlevGL
C++ MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2020 -
Readme/Diagram for the "Kube" NodeMCU/DHT22 based MQTT temp/humidity home automation multi-sensor with local OLED display)
HASwitchPlate Public
Forked from aderusha/HASwitchPlateLCD touchscreen for Home Automation
ESPEasyPluginPlayground Public
Forked from letscontrolit/ESPEasyPluginPlaygroundPlugin ideas, concepts, user contributed, etc
C++ UpdatedFeb 8, 2019 -
NodeMCU-Breakout-Board Public
NodeMCU breakout/dev/carrier board, useful for finalizing your NodeMCU projects into complete packaged designs, or just for testing/development.
RobotDynDimmerESP8266MQTT Public
Sample code for RobotDyn dimmer for ESP8266 with MQTT control and OTA
C++ UpdatedJan 21, 2019 -
ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs Public
Forked from bruhautomation/ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDsESP MQTT Digital LEDs for openHAB, MQTT JSON Light Component. Supports flash, fade, transitions, effects, and OTA uploading!
Holiday-LED-files Public
Forked from Snipercaine/Holiday-LED-filesHome Assistant config.yaml and Arduino sketch for Addressable LEDs
C++ UpdatedNov 5, 2018 -
ESP8266-RGB-LED-Controller Public
Code for LED control using an ESP8266
Arduino UpdatedOct 14, 2017 -
Marlin Public
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinReprap FW with look ahead. SDcard and LCD support. It works on Gen6, Ultimaker, RAMPS and Sanguinololu
C UpdatedFeb 2, 2014 -
android-ocr Public
Forked from rmtheis/android-ocrExperimental app for optical character recognition on Android.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 10, 2012 -
is_KeyFinder Public
Forked from ibsh/is_KeyFinderMusical key detection software for digital DJs, for Mac OSX and Windows, released under GPL v3