a small wrapper for different types of calls, it can be used to spawn an external process or to just run python code from string onto a new thread with timeout support. This small lib adds logging and error handling in a way that can be useful for running in agents within a distributed system where you need a uniform yet flexible way to invoke different types of calls and possibly with timeouts. You will get a handle that you can use to retrieve the status of the running call or to order it to stop at any point in time always using the same API regardless of the call type.
Keep in mind this offers no Security, untrusted data should never reach any of these calls
Written for Python 2 but can easily be converted to 3
Requirements: subprocess32
Status: highly experimental
Types of calls supported:
- subprocess (spawns external process)
- subprocess with Shell
- Python (threaded)
a = call.Command(['ls','-l','/'],'subprocess', logger=logger)
b = a.start()
stdout and stderr can be reached using a.stdout or a.stderr
d = call.Command('print 2+2','python-basic', logger=logger)
code = """
import time
while True:
print 'end'
d = call.Command(code,'python-basic', logger=logger, timeout=2)
this timeout feature is not 100% reliable for this type of call (it tries to find and kill a thread internally)
d = call.Command('sleep 50','shell-env', logger=logger, timeout=2)