A Parking Dapp on Ethereum Blockchain.
See on own section https://github.com/blakeberg/parking-dapp/tree/master/ui
The code ParkingPlaces.sol
were published under /contracts
in this repository.
It is verified under
- https://morden.ether.camp/account/ad3d7d21862dfa1f9d91569240a9ed06ac276b4d
- http://testnet.etherscan.io/address/0xad3d7d21862dfa1f9d91569240a9ed06ac276b4d#code
A docker container "geth-node" with geth and solc is already available. You can also take the online compiler and connect them to local Ethereum client or docker container.
Starting Ethereum client for solidity online compiler.
geth --testnet --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpccorsdomain "*"
Look for installed compiler with geth attach
and eth.getCompilers()
. If there is no compiler ['Solidity']
install a compiler and link its path with admin.setSolc("path/to/solc")
With solidity online compiler or from JavaScript console of Ethereum client. It will also generates a Web3 deploy script used in next part.
source is the ParkingPlaces.sol but formatted by removing line- and paragraph breaks to fit into a string variable.
var compiled = web3.eth.compile.solidity(source);
var contract = web3.eth.contract(compiled.ParkingPlaces.info.abiDefinition);
var parkingplaces = contract.new(
{from:web3.eth.accounts[0], data: compiled.TestContract.code, gas: 300000}, function(e, contract) {
if(!e) {
if(!contract.address) {
console.log("Contract transaction send: TransactionHash: " + contract.transactionHash + " waiting to be mined...");
} else {
console.log("Contract mined! Address: " + contract.address);
With solidity online compiler you can connect to Web3 Provider and deploy contracts directly.You have to unlook your account before. Or you deploy from JavaScript console of running Ethereum client with installed solc.
The used JavaScript already includes the compile step!
- create contract account from JavaScript console
- you have to unlook your account with your passphrase
- you will get a transaction with the contract creation
- if transaction is mined you get the contract address
If you got an "Error in contract creation: Error: Contract transaction couldn't be found after 50 blocks" look for contract creation in blockchain explorer for you account and load it from contract address in next step.
If you want to load an existing contract you need the ABI specification (see link below or get it from solidity online compiler) and the contract address:
var abiDefinition = <paste abi JSON here>
var parkingplaces = web3.eth.contract(abiDefinition).at(<paste contract address>);
If you have deployt before and still connected to JavaScript console you have the var parkingplaces
Show public methods, events and state variables type parkingplaces
. For more details look at contract and ABI.
Message calls:
- places
- controller
- blockCosts
- getSlotCount
- getNextFreeBlock
- getFreeSlotCount
- existsPlace
- getReservedBlock
- calculateEstimatedCosts
Get-methods returns 0 if place at address not exists so you should check this before with method
Transaction calls:
- close (only controller)
- addPlace (only controller)
- addSlots (only place owner)
- reserveSlot (not for controller or place owner)
Transaction methods have no returns values but trigger events. You should also prove if an place for address exists. Only for slot reservation a sufficient value is needed else a throw will reverts the transaction.
You need an account to pay gas and/or transfer value parkingplaces.<Methodname>([optional data], eth.accounts[0], 3, {from:eth.accounts[0], gas: 300000}, [optional value]);
- PlaceAdded
- SlotsAdded
- Reservation
- Transaction
Add an Event for added place notification:
var eventPlaceAdded = parkingplaces.PlaceAdded({}, '', function(error, result){ if (!error) console.log("Place '" + result.args.name + "' added from " + result.args.place + " at latitude " + result.args.latitude + " and longitude " + result.args.longitude); });
Add an Event for added slots notification:
var eventSlotsAdded = parkingplaces.SlotsAdded({}, '', function(error, result){ if (!error) console.log(result.args.amount + " Slots added for place from " + result.args.place); });
Add an Event for Reservation notification:
var eventReservation = parkingplaces.Reservation({}, '', function(error, result){ if (!error) console.log("Reservation for place at " + result.args.place + " reserved from parker at " + result.args.parker + " until block number " + result.args.reservedBlock); });
Add an Event for Transaction notification:
var eventTransaction = parkingplaces.Transaction({}, '', function(error, result){ if (!error) console.log("Payment from " + result.args.from + " to " + result.args.to + " for " + result.args.block + " blocks with " + result.args.transfered + " wei" + " and payback " + result.args.refund); });
You can see triggered events also in Event Logs of a transaction in blockchain explorer.
A place is unique by its address (owner) in this example address eth.accounts[0]
- Add place type
parkingplaces.addPlace(eth.accounts[0], "Berlin", "52.5243700", "13.4105300", {from:eth.accounts[0], gas: 300000});
- Show place type
and you get["0x0212a53b6224ea371dd4201a8123a73edc4893de", "Berlin", true, "52.5243700", "13.4105300"]
without slot informations - Add second place for another address (instead of
) - Show places by index type
- Validate if place exists type
- Add slots for place type
parkingplaces.addSlots(eth.accounts[0], 3, {from:eth.accounts[0], gas: 300000});
- Show slot count for place type
- Show free slot count for place and current block type
parkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[0], eth.blockNumber)
- Show free slot count for place and current block type
parkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[0], eth.blockNumber - 50)
gets 0 cause you added the slots with blocknumber of transaction.
You will get notifications for added places and slots if you have it registered before.
A reservation can be applied on slots and save the address of parker and a blocknumber until the reservation is valid. You can also extend an existing and active reservation and pay only the difference.
Notice that place owners and contract controller cannot make reservations so create a seperate account for a parker to make reservations.
To calculate estimated costs for a 15 blocks reservation at place type
parkingplaces.calculateEstimatedCosts(eth.blockNumber, eth.blockNumber + 15)
To reserve a slot for 15 blocks at place
typeparkingplaces.reserveSlot(eth.accounts[0], eth.blockNumber+15, {from:<parker account>, gas: 300000, value: web3.toWei(500, "finney")});
A rollback occurs if there are no slots free, place not exists or a insufficent value is given.
Get two notifications from events (one for reservation and one for transaction)
Show free slot count for place and current block type
parkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[0], eth.blockNumber)
Show free slot count for place 15 blocks in futura type
parkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[0], eth.blockNumber - 15)
gets all slots cause the added reservation is not valid at futura block. -
Validate parkers reservation type
parkingplaces.getReservedBlock(eth.accounts[0], <parker account>)[0] - eth.blockNumber;
- if the value is equals or greater than 0 the reservation is valid
- if the value is equals eth.blockNumber but negativ the place or parker not exists
- otherwise the reservation is in past
This is the initialization of this contract for the city Oldenburg in Germany with 18 parking places as this example. For this if you should start from scratch with on account with at least 10 Ether in it.
You can show parking places and slots for Oldenburg at a map (see link below)
If you have more than one account for testnet backup the accounts beyond the main account:
- Show accounts for testnet type
geth --testnet account list
(if you only have on account go to 2.) - Go to keystore for testnet type
cd ~/.ethereum/testnet/keystore
and make backup foldermkdir backup
- Move key files for account older than the main account type
mv UTC--<time beyond>* /backup
- Show accounts for testnet type
geth --testnet account list
(now you should only have the main account)
- Show accounts for testnet type
Create Accounts for parking places
Attach to JavaScript console type
geth attach
if Ethereum client is running -
Load JavaScript to create and unlock accounts and transfer 0.5 Ether to it from main account type
If you have to unlook your account it is your main account and then only once. This take a while cause for each account a transaction is done.
Show balance for all accounts:
var i = 0; eth.accounts.forEach( function(e){ console.log(" eth.accounts["+i+"]: " + e + " \tbalance: " + web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(e), "ether") + " ether"); i++; })
Deploy Contract from main account (see above)
Create Places in deployed contract from your accounts
- Load JavaScript to create real parking places from its place account type
- Show balance for all accounts (see above)
- Load JavaScript to create real parking places from its place account type
Now you can verify all places
shows a placeparkingplaces.existsPlace(eth.accounts[1])
is true
Add Slots to existing places
- Load JavaScript to create slots for parking places from its place account type
- Show balance for all accounts (see above)
- Load JavaScript to create slots for parking places from its place account type
Now you can verify all slots
is between 18 and 401parkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[1], eth.blockNumber)
toparkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[18], eth.blockNumber)
is between 18 and 401parkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[1], eth.blockNumber-100)
toparkingplaces.getFreeSlotCount(eth.accounts[18], eth.blockNumber - 100)
is allways 0parkingplaces.getNextFreeSlot(eth.accounts[1], eth.blockNumber)
toparkingplaces.getNextFreeSlot(eth.accounts[1], eth.blockNumber)
is allways lower thaneth.blockNumber
solc --userdoc ParkingPlaces.sol > pp-userdoc.json
solc --devdoc ParkingPlaces.sol > pp-devdoc.json
Abstract binary interface solc --abi ParkingPlaces.sol > pp-userdoc.json
Abstract syntax tree solc --ast-json ParkingPlaces.sol > pp-ast.json
Assembler source languge with Ethereum virtual machine opcodes
`solc --asm-json ParkingPlaces.sol > pp-asm.json`
- Solidity online compiler http://chriseth.github.io/browser-solidity
- Blockchain Explorer for Testnet http://testnet.etherscan.io
- Line Break Removal Tool http://www.textfixer.com/tools/remove-line-breaks.php
- JSON formatter and validator https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com
- Ethereum Container https://github.com/blakeberg/geth-node
- Map with Parking places in city Oldenburg(Germany) http://gis4oldenburg.oldenburg.de/?es=C12S14