Source code for a Movie Trailer website.
Purpose of this code is to create a webpage that will allow you to click on a picture and play youtube videos.
There are 3 primary py files in this grouping: = class formating module for the movies content = Execution and content module: listing of the movies, details about the movies, links and corresponding functions = webpage module. script that will launch the website with mark up language. Uses entertainment_center2 as the content module.
Two quick/easy ways to play/execute this file and get the webpage html you can either:
- Execute the fresh_tomatoes.html file.
OR - When using IDLE or another python IDE this code can be executed by opening and running the '' file. There is 1 parent class and 1 child class in this file. Intent is to make it modular for it can grow over time. There are a total of 6 entries that are standardized across the group 2 entries are inhereted from the 'Videos' object 4 are unique to the 'Movies' object Youtube is the source of choice when opening a trailer. I tried secondary sources but the play back would fail often. wikimedia is the source of choice for images. I attempted several other sites and file formats, but hit many errors.
- Figure out why wikimedia is the only functioning source for images
- Figure out why youtube is the only functioning source for playing movies.
import media2 for class formatting
import fresh_tomatoes for launching the webpage
list out your favorite movies and follow the formating from media2 file.
'movies' is a variable for an array of the favorite movies
fresh_tomatoes.open_movies_page is the function launging the website.
- this is fine for a small list, but a larger list should be in our sourced from a more comprehensive database.
Provided code from Udacity to launch the website.
I made changes the to header by adding a little spanish lingo Also added the details from to be included in the web page. This includes the inhereted instance variables which shows the code is working throughout the environment
Finally I wrote this README cause, you know...I'm having fun with this and want to practice how I plan to play:)