The script requires the utilities "exiftool" and "flickcurl" to be installed and set up (see for more information).
Let's assume you have the following structure in a folder:
\_ inner-folder
\_ another-inner-folder
| |
| \_ IMG1.jpg
\_ IMG0.jpg
" folder" finds folders inside the "folder" and executes " folder/inner-folder". The script then uploads IMG0.jpg to the "inner-folder" (creates if doesn't exist) set on Flickr and IMG1.jpg to the "inner-folder. another-inner-folder" set (creates if doesn't exist).
git clone
cd folders-to-flickr-sets-uploader
./ folder
You can safely execute the script several times, because it stores which files are uploaded.
Get the script and edit your crontab configuration file with:
git clone
crontab -e
And add the following (change the "~/Pictures/Photos" to whatever you have):
*/10 * * * * ~/folders-to-flickr-sets-uploader/ ~/Pictures/Photos >> /tmp/flickr.log 2>&1
Logs will be available in "/tmp/flickr.log"
Yeah, also you can download any set. Let's say you have a set "SET". Then just do this:
./ SET
You will have a directory called "SET" with all your pics from the set with original sizes.