pgamajorspool-gdocs Public
personal script for implementing dynamic score updates for pga betting pool using google docs
Python UpdatedJun 13, 2019 -
ec2-tags-ohai-plugin Public
Forked from KierranM/ec2-tags-ohai-pluginAn Ohai plugin for getting EC2 instance tags
Ruby UpdatedDec 3, 2018 -
attatchment_watcher Public
pyinotify for mail attachment processing and email reporting
Python UpdatedMar 28, 2018 -
pension Public
Forked from erik/pension🎉 Alert when ec2 instances are scheduled for retirement
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 13, 2017 -
elasticsearch-logstash-s3-backup Public
Forked from aptible/elasticsearch-logstash-s3-backupScripts to backup and restore Logstash indexes from Elasticsearch. Can be run as a cron on Aptible.
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2017 -
aws-codedeploy-samples Public
Forked from aws-samples/aws-codedeploy-samplesSamples and template scenarios for AWS CodeDeploy
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 26, 2017 -
influxdb-subscription-cleaner Public
Forked from jeremyd/influxdb-subscription-cleanerdelete all influxdb subscriptions with command line tool
Go BSD Zero Clause License UpdatedJun 13, 2017 -
monitoring-control Public
programatically toggle nagios notifications for a particular host
Python UpdatedMay 16, 2017 -
collectd-zfs-arcstats Public
Forked from dmeulen/collectd-zfs-arcstatsCollectd plugin for collecting ARC statistics ( ZFS on Linux )
Python UpdatedApr 6, 2017 -
socialheatmap Public
social heatmap project using instagram api, node.js, socketio & rethinkdb
JavaScript UpdatedApr 4, 2017 -
acos-client Public
Forked from a10networks/acos-clientACOS API Client
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 22, 2016 -
memcached Public
Forked from memcached/memcachedmemcached development tree
doesthisalbumsuck Public
an album/artist twitter sentiment project using nltk, python, ruby & mongodb
triposal Public
where to travel based off desired activities, dates, weather and budget
CSS MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2015 -
cs3600 Public
c projects for cs3600, code does NOT reflect final submissions due to private/public repos
C Other UpdatedDec 30, 2014 -
dotfiles-1 Public
Forked from reid/dotfilesConfiguration files for reid's shell
Vim Script Other UpdatedFeb 28, 2014