A basic PHP library to talk to a dogecoind daemon to get you started in your doge project to take us to the moon.
I haven't implemented all of the end points of the API, focused on account and moving of coins. I'm trying to make sure the library is documented and includes examples so its easy to use before being complete. Patches welcome.
Requires dogecoind to already be installed and running on your local server or reachable by your server.
Get dogecoind source from: https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin
Also, here's a guide building dogecoind on debian-based system.
Example use, see examples.php for more
require "./Doge.php";
$config = array(
'user' => 'dogecoinrpc',
'pass' => '--password--',
'host' => '',
'port' => '22555' );
// create client conncetion
$doge = new Doge( $config );
// create a new address
$address = $doge->get_address( 'mkaz' );
print( $address );
// check balance
print( "mkaz: " . $doge->get_balance( 'mkaz' ) );
// send money externally (withdrawl?)
$doge->send( 'mkaz', 'DQpwDDrW8gqJJWiW7TvXgNtbfD5Du94wy3', 100 );
Library created by Marcus Kazmierczak, http://mkaz.com/
Donations accepted: DQpwDDrW8gqJJWiW7TvXgNtbfD5Du94wy3