(should be ready to use Google Speech Recognition API)
gcloud auth login
Make a directory for the audio
mkdir ./{title} ./{title}/audio ./{title}/pre_audio
Change the name of files and locate them in the directory above (./{title})
- original text file: {title}_ORIGINAL.txt
(eg. androcles-shorter_ORIGINAL.txt)
- original audio file: {title}.mp3
(eg. androcles-shorter.mp3)
Title above and the ROOT below should be the same
ROOT = "title"
python main.py
Final audio files will be created in audio directory
This code cannot make sentence audio files perfectly. (about maximum 85% can be processed)
Success rate can be dramatically lower if the audio file has more sentences than that of the text file.
Add . after the title of the text IN THE TEXT FILE if there is any. (To split sentences correctly)
If you want to observe the analyzing process, change DEBUG in each python file to 1 (Currently 0)
Solve the problem of having two candidate indices (eg. when 'me' appears twice in a sentence)
Add a function to check the unknown chunks depending on its number
Add a function to update once more with the way of increasing the index of chunk, rather than sentence number
Process Bar (tqdm)
Add docopt