One stylesheet to rule them all.
End goal is to have theme-agnostic stylesheets in a way thats much less limiting and restrictive as base16 is, and potentially make it extend to syntax highlighting as well (by far the weakest part of base16). To give a little taste,
Heres a color group:
"$schema": "../color-group.json",
"id": "ui",
"name": "UI",
"variables": {
"background": [],
"background-dark": ["ui:background"],
"background-light": ["ui:background"],
"text": [],
"selection": [],
"border": [],
"link": [],
"link-visited": []
Heres a stylesheet metadata:
"$schema": "../stylesheet.json",
"id": "arch-wiki",
"name": "Arch Wiki",
"description": "Palette-Agnostic Arch Wiki Theme",
"author": "Blusk",
"variables": {
"background": ["ui:background-dark"],
"text": ["ui:text"],
"selection": ["ui:selection"],
"border": ["ui:border"],
"link": ["ui:link"],
"link-visited": ["ui:link-visited"],
And here's a color palette:
"$schema": "./color-schema.json",
"id": "catppuccin",
"ui": {
"background-dark": "#1e1e2e",
"background": "#181825",
"background-light": "#313244",
"border": "#45475a",
"selection": "#585b70",
"text": "#cdd6f4"