Workshop is a commandline tool for quickly generating Laravel based composer packages.
composer global require "bmartel/workshop=~1.0"
workshop build vendor/package
cd package
and you will see a skeleton structure for building a package.
For convenience, most of the Laravel generators have been included so you can quickly build up Laravel based packages.
Any make:
generator command you are used to in a Laravel project, php artisan make:{something}
, is available through workshop build:{something}
All commands are also available through the make
alias workshop make:{something}
, so you only have to remember the Laravel API for the commands.
By default all generators will place the generated class files in a best guess location based on your namespacing and folder structure. If the defaults aren't working for you, you can always explicitly state where you want your files to be generated by providing the full class namespace as the name argument to the generator commands.
Migrations will always be generated into a root level migrations
folder of the package. This is due to the structure and default handling in the ServiceProvider included with all workshop scaffolded packages.
workshop build:console <name> [--command]
workshop build:controller <name> [--plain]
workshop build:event <name>
workshop build:job <name> [--queued]
workshop build:listener <name> (--event) [--queued]
workshop build:middleware <name>
workshop build:migration <name> [--create] [--table]
workshop build:model <name> [--migration]
workshop build:request <name>
For more information regarding a specific command, see the Laravel official documentation.
You can make use of this package and develop it within a local laravel application you may have. To pull this package
into your local development app, add the vendor/package you provided as argument to the workshop build command to the app's composer.json
(lets assume the package created was acme/sprockets):
require: {
"acme/sprockets": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "/path/to/where/acme/sprockets/was/created/locally"
Run composer update acme/sprockets
from your laravel app's root directory, and you are setup for easy local package development.
The development workflow simply becomes: make a change in the package on your local filesystem, go to your local development laravel app you are including the package and run composer update vendor/package
. Rinse and repeat until you are ready to push it up to github or bitbucket and add the package to packagist, upon which you can drop the repostories entry and just include the composer require entry for the package.
And thats really all there is to it. Spend more time building something great, and less time naming, renaming and copying files.
All contributions whether features or fixes should be backed by a test which outlines the work being done. Pull requests should be made to the develop branch.
To begin development, run composer install
in the root of the project and start making changes. As you
develop you can run the tests via vendor/bin/phpspec run -v
Developed and maintained by Brandon Martel