- Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/bmnds
Simple Python script to split video into equal length chunks or chunks of equal size, duration, etc.
MLOps project to detect the bird species from its image. Model trained on Kaggle. Backend hosted on GCP. Frontend thanks to Streamlit.
UFPR-ALPR: a dataset for license plate detection and recognition that includes 4,500 fully annotated images acquired in real-world scenarios where both the vehicle and the camera (inside another ve…
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Python wrapper for the xeno-canto.org API to aid in downloading and managing recordings.
A starter app for your needs in 2021
Spring Authorization Server
Live, real-time dashboard in a serverless docker web app, and deployed via terraform with a built-in CICD trigger
Source code examples for blog posts
Node.js Web API example using Hapijs and MongoDB
Maratona Full Cycle 2.0 - Plataforma de transmissão de lives
This is a simple Kotlin Spring Boot application that emits randomly generated prices via REST and via RSocket
This is a Spring Boot and JavaFX Application that uses REST or RSocket to connect to a streaming prices service and display the prices on a line chart
Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image
MSSC Beer Order Service
MSSC Beer Service
MSSC Beer Inventory Service
bmnds / mssc-brewery
Forked from springframeworkguru/mssc-brewerySpring MVC Brewery Microservice
Final source code accompanying the article on the Toptal Blog.
A Cloud Guru - Kubernetes Deep Dive
Contains all of the queries used within the Complete Guide to Elasticsearch course.
The Dijit Tree with Multi State Checkboxes, project code 'cbtree' , is a highly configurable dojo/dijit tree with support for multi-state checkboxes or third party widgets capable of presenting a s…
Node TDS module for connecting to SQL Server databases.