The Thot Leader Dividend. 🤑
The Blockchain / Crypto space is overrun with nonsubstantive trolling, and there is no place where this is more evident than Twitter. The Humble Potato passes hands as thought leaders pass off the burden of paying for their thoughtlessness. When The Humble Potato is hot, you pass it on. Fast. Or You Loose Followers. Basically, Followers have to choose between making money from the lottery or keep following the "Humblee" if they value the Humblee
's content worth more than the Lottery
selects aHumblee
to sendThe Humble Potato
to. -
to pay theLottery Pool
which is set to2% fee
of theHumblee
'sTotal Followers
(can be modified / adjusted by theDAO
). For example, if theHumblee
has 70,000 Followeers, thedonation
is set to$1400
(70,000 * 0.02). -
pays theDonation
to theLottery Pool
, the smart contract then triggers theHumiliation Period
where theHumblee
must apologize on Twitter. TheHumblee
can then signal anotherHumblee
to send the potato to, although theDAO
has authority over the final call. -
If the
doesn't want to donate 2% fees to the pool, the smart contract triggers theSuffering Period
, a7 day
period where people can join theLottery Pool
to unfollow theHumblee
. Only people who unfollow thehumble
can participate to the lottery. Two snapshops are taken during the lottery period, one randomly (to avoid unfollowing and re-following during the period) and one at the end to verify that participants are not following thehumblee
. The Humble Potato uses Chainlink to tamper-proof the verification. -
At the end of the
Lottery Period
, the winner wins theyield
generated by theLottery Pool
. TheHumble Potato
expects to generate a better yield than
as it will receive donations from theSuffering Period
and theHumiliation Period
mechanisms. -
sends the money back. There is only one winner and no loosers! 😳 -
sends theHumble Potato
to another target. 🔥
Insurance scheme: Users subscribe to an
Insurance scheme
. It's a monthly membership (0.5%
fee of your total followers) to avoid receiving theThe Humble Potato
. -
Customer service: Users subscibe to
Customer Service
. It's a monthly membership (0.1%
fee of your total followers) where users get notified byWhatsapp
as soon as they get targeted by The Humble Potato so that they have time to pay theRansom
(donate) into the pool and avoid theSuffering Period
. -
Rewards: A bunch of different NFT will be distributed to
and Lottery participants. For example,The Humiliation Badge
,The Suffering Badge
,The Fastest Looser Badge
The Potato DAO aligns the incentives of the community to help “thought leaders” avoid destructive social media behavior and reward content that builds the community’s collective knowledge.
In order to aggregate a campaign to relieve thought leaders of their superficial followers, we adjust the incentives of the community. We eliminate distracting content via an incentive mechanism that's economically irresistible. Posters throughout the community are incentivised to be mindful of the content they create and better ensure its usefulness.
The Humble Potato DAO mechanism recognizes when a user with a connected account has unfollowed the Humblee (the “Thought Leader” who is getting “Humbled”). The Potato enters the “Suffering Period” where participants join the pool and cease following the Humblee. The Humblee then has the opportunity to donate to the pool to pass the Potato to the next target and avoid further “humbling”.
If the potato is passed (via a “donation”), the “Suffering Period” ends and we enter the “Humiliation Period”, at which time the Humblee must post an apology for their disappointingly lowbrow Twitter content via a tweet. This tweet must contain specific text (verified via Chainlink) outlining the Humblee’s understanding of the nature of their transcreation to the community.
The “donation” required to pass the Potato is kept low via a price discovery mechanism, in order to ensure that the potato may be continually passed between participants for extended durations. Thus, the on-going passing of the Potato results in continual injections into the pool resulting in a “Tax” on the community’s “Thought Leaders”.
We track followers via Chainlink, using a snapshot of each Thought Leader's follower list. Compounded interest of all contributes to the pool is then paid out to the winner of the PoolTogether-style no-loss lottery. The pool includes the followers' collateral (which is returned after the "Suffering Period") as well as "Tax" donations from Thought Leaders who opted to pass the Humble Potato (this collateral is not returned after the "Suffering Period").
Node servers authenticates the Twitter API and retrieves the user’s ID React frontend to interact with the contracts Chainlink to pass data from Twitter API to verify follower statuses 3box to manage user profile data
Clone the repo and then install deps:
Recommended node version: v10.16.0
npm install
Copy over .envrc and allow direnv:
$ cp .envrc.example .envrc
$ direnv allow
Run brew install direnv
if not installed yet.
Start ganache-cli
ganache-cli -l 8000038 -i 1234 -e 100000 -a 10 -u 0 -g 1000000000 -m "$HDWALLET_MNEMONIC"
npm install
npm script session
npm script push
npm script migrate
npm start
npx truffle console --network local