Neovim configuration files
- Packer plugin management
- which-key shortcut help popup
- nvim-lspconfig
- nvim-treesitter Highlighting, movement, and swap commands
- treesitter playground for help debugging treesitter
- iron.nvim REPL plugin
- Use nvim-treesitter-textobjects to have
send-current-statement to REPL, with auto whitespace stripping for Python.
- For now, a custom fork to add statement queries to R and Python
- Also support send visual highlight to REPL
- Use nvim-treesitter-textobjects to have
send-current-statement to REPL, with auto whitespace stripping for Python.
- telescope.nvim fuzzy picker interface for files, ripgrep, symbols, jumplist, and clipboard history
- neoclip for clipboard history with telescope
- nvim-comment for comment toggle
- auto-pairs for bracket auto-pairing
- Theming