Tags: bnprks/oh-mainline
Releasing 0.12.02 A lot of big changes landed this iteration. I want to especially thank: * Jessica McKellar for pushing-for and reviewing changes to the backups, so that we actually do them and test them. * Berry, Shawn, and Pam for being frequent reviewers of changes on Github. * Daniel, for spearheading the move to Sphinx and Read the Docs. * Walker for tirelessly fighting a sort of crazy data corruption whose fix is to have us properly use Django's hook system. * Nathan Yergler, for implementing a class-based set of views for the training missions that were a big improvement over my hacks. * John Morrissey and Berry for spearheading the move toward a clean separation of the bug import code out of the main oh-mainline repo. * Karen Rustad, for leading the charge on the redesign that finally landed with this release. * The Python Software Foundation for, in effect, sponsoring two sprints: one at PyCon, and one in SF more recently.
OpenHatch 0.11.12 Selected changes: * Person location data is stored in the database, not just a cache * Users can mark prospective contributors as having been contacted (This was a long time coming, so we're really proud of it! Thanks to Jule Slootbeek for writing the backend in 0.11.11.) * Performance enhancements on the /+projects/ page and in the Person model * Quality improvements to the training missions, both in backend and in the templates * Remove all references to bin/mysite and bin/production, and buildout in general * Searching for a username in people search finds that username; same for searching for a user by last name or first name * Trac BugParser can identify bitesize bugs by priority * /projects page does 1 SQL query, creating dramatic load-time improvements for that page. * Training missions are becoming Django class-based views, rather than traditional function-based views. This release mostly migrated the Subversion mission. * Adjusted the JSON profile data dump used by the map so that it is is faster to generate. * Launchpad bug importer moved to new-style BugImporter. * Disable bug recommendations, a feature that was never excellent and frequently caused performance problems. * Fix tar mission (and docs) so Mac users who submit a tarball with ._* files in them see a helpful message. * In training missions, add information for Windows users as to how to get a reasonable command prompt (GitBash). These people made commits: * Alexander Langford * Asheesh Laroia * Jacquie Flemming * Jason Michalski * Jessica McKellar * Joel Cain * robut * Tiago Sousa * yfm
OpenHatch 0.11.11 This release makes a few fundamental code changes: * Old, synchronous "bugtrackers" import code is gone * Our dependencies are bundled in vendor/ and "buildout" is gone * The /people/ map code no longer uses Haystack * All non-pure-Python dependencies are optional now * The git repo actually clones on Windows now Additional important changes: * Important backend improvements to the "tar" mission and diff/patch mission * Daily profile tasks takes 0-2 minutes, not 1-2 days * Data snapshots include more data * We mostly don't use celery
OpenHatch 0.11.10 * Deprecated and started removing the old, synchronous, slucky bug download code * Fixed the filenames in the git repo so that it successfully clones on Windows * Fix some bugs in, and reorganize a bit, the new asynchronous bugimporter code * Upgrade to Django 1.3 * Fix issue401, so that the nav links have consistent titles * Fix issue605, so that the single_patch mission explains how to use patch * Worked on a new front page in front_page_demo branch * Fix Roundup bug parser so that it accepts bugs from the Python BTS again
Slight text change: "Click the checkboxes" not "Check the checkboxes"
Replace 'typographical' by 'spelling' Closes: https://openhatch.org/bugs/issue548
Add a config option that enables cookie sharing for Vanilla ProxyRequ… …est-based single-sign-on