This is an experimental project to write a portable (Web + Desktop) editor in java and kotlin
This demo is designed to investigate performance limits of this approach and compare with other Web editors like Monaco and VSCode
In order to build it one need to
Clone and build TeaVM compiler locally:
git clone cd teavm gradle publishToMavenLocal -x test
Also, you need to get the latest emscripten for wasm compilation:
install python from Microsoft Store git clone cd emsdk ./emsdk install latest
setx EMSDK D:\emsdk set EMSDK D:\emsdk
If you also need to build the desktop app, you need Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Do not use installer UX, there is a commandline below that installs only necessary components
vs_community.exe --wait --p --norestart --nocache --locale en-US --add "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop;includeRecommended" set MSBuildPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Msbuild\Current\Bin\amd64
If, for some reason, you do not need IDE to be installed, you can try BuildTools instead, but vs_community is recommended: BuildTools: --wait --p --norestart --nocache --locale en-US --add "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools;includeRecommended" set MSBuildPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\MSBuild\Current\Bin
Edit environment:
rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
add the components to the user %path% manually or (not recommended) by setx command
- MSBuild: %MSBuildPath% from step 3
- Clang: %EMSDK%\upstream\bin from step 2
setx Path "%Path%;%EMSDK%\upstream\bin;%MSBuildPath%"
Finally check that compilers work, and review Environment Variables. You need a new console instance to apply env changes
MSBuild --help clang --help
Clone and build TeaVM-compatible version of ANTLR:
git clone cd antlr4-teavm-compatible mvn install -DskipTests
6.1. If you need to edit grammars and generate parsers, you need to install ANTLR4. The easiest way is installed antlr4-tools:
pip install antlr4-tools
Now you can build the demo with
mvn package
To run desktop version one need to get libGLESv2.dll - Angle library. One way of getting it is to run org.sudu.experiments.nativelib.CopyAngleToResources You may also need to build native parts of project with this maven command:
mvn package -am -pl graphics-jvm
After this steps you can simply run org.sudu.experiments.DemoEditJvm -
If you want to build ES module with its demo, you need Node.js version 18+. Steps:
- Run maven task to build the module (any of "a" or "b")
- run IDEA run-configuration "Module package"
- or with maven
mvn package -am -pl demo-edit-es-module
in root
- Build the webpack demo using file demo-edit-es-module/webpack-test/package.json
- run npm script "i"
- run npm script "build-sudu-editor-sample"
- Run maven task to build the module (any of "a" or "b")