Tool for deep mutational scanning experiments.
MEMnets identifies slow CVs of biomolecular dynamics by minimizing their time-integrated memory kernels.
bojunliu0818 / gym
Forked from openai/gymA toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with conda via miniconda
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
GraphVAMPnets combines graph neural networks with variational approach for Markovian process (VAMP) theory to identify the slow collective variables of the self-assembly processes.
TS-DAR identifies transition states of protein conformational changes from MD simulations using hyperspherical embeddings in the latent space.
Correlation-based feature selection of Molecular Dynamics simulations
Statistical models for biomolecular dynamics
Continued by EPISOL. No further update for this repository.
machine learning, python code, notes in course STA 141C during 2018 spring quarter in UC Davis
R markdowns and scripts when learning statistics in UC Davis in 2018 Spring Quarter
Implement remote control and automatic avoiding obstacles with RPi.GPIO and tkinter
a modified tandem MS spectrum annotation software