A python tool for loading accounts, contacts, subscriptions, and amendments into a Zuora instance, using the same format at the Zuora Connect tool.
Note that this code is extremely rough, and I won't be maintaining it.
I wrote it to migrate a complex set of data from Salesforce to Zuora. If I were starting from scratch now, I would use the Zuora REST API (it wasn't complete when I started this project).
- Python 3
- zeep (A modern/fast python SOAP client based on lxml / requests)
pip install git+git://github.com/bolaurent/zuora_loader.git
Execute the load as follows:
zuora_loader-runner.py --sandbox zuora_loader/sample_data/account.csv account
zuora_loader-runner.py --sandbox zuora_loader/sample_data/subscription.csv subscription
Credentials are stored in one of the following files in your home directory:
The format of the credentials file is like this:
"user": "[email protected]",
"password": "ksjfklsjklsdl",
"wsdl": "/Users/bo/.zuora-production/zuora.a.84.0.wsdl",
"//endpoint": "https://apisandbox.zuora.com/apps/services/a/78.0",
"verboseLog": false
usage: zuora_loader-runner.py [-h] [--sandbox] filename object
Load a csv file into Zuora instance
positional arguments:
filename file to load
object zuora object to load
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Many thanks to Distributing a Python command line application