- Grafana: https://k8s-minikub
- Prometheus-UI: http://k8s-minikub:30900
git clone https://github.com/dmarych/k8s-lab-monitoring.git
cd k8s-lab-monitoring
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant up
To access Grafana dashboard, use admin/admin login credentials.
- There are some timeouts setup, especially the one which waits while Grafana is deployed and running, it's 300 seconds and then Ansible imports dashboard and data source. Please be patient and if anything goes wrong, load the dashboard from the doc folder and add Prometheus to data source http://prometheus:9090
The role minikube:
- Deploys Minikube cluster which responds to Kubernetes API requests
The role monitoring brings manifests to do the following tasks:
- Run Prometheus Operator (https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator)
- Deploy kube-state-metrics (https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics)
- Deploy Ingress Nginx in cluster (https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx)
- Create Prometheus instance
- Add Prometheus scrape job (via Kubernetes CRD created by Prometheus Operator) for kube-state-metrics
- Deploy Grafana
- Add dashboard for kube-state-metrics
- Expose Grafana via ingress
To log on to Minikube cluster, use vagrant ssh
vagrant ssh k8s-minikub