NOTE: This repo contains only the documentation for the private BoltsOps Pro repo code. Original file: The docs are publish so they are available for interested customers. For access to the source code, you must be a paying BoltOps Pro subscriber. If are interested, you can contact us at [email protected] or
This blueprint provisions a CloudFront Distribution.
- It can provision a Distribution with an S3 bucket origin or Custom origin.
- The S3 bucket can be an existing bucket, or the blueprint can create and manage the S3 bucket for you.
- In addition to being able to set up CloudFront Distribution Aliases, the blueprint can also automatically add the matching Route53 records and configure an existing ACM cert.
- Basic Auth support allows you to protect the CloudFront distribution with standard htpasswd files.
Most resource properties are configurable with Parameters. Additionally, all properties are generally configurable with Variables. The blueprint is extremely flexible and customizable for your needs. More info in the "Configure: More Details" section.
- Add blueprint to Gemfile
- Configure: configs/cloudfront values
- Deploy blueprint
Add the blueprint to your lono project's Gemfile
gem "cloudfront", git: "[email protected]:boltopspro/cloudfront.git"
Use the lono seed command to generate a starter config params files.
LONO_ENV=development lono seed cloudfront
LONO_ENV=production lono seed cloudfront
The files in config/cloudfront
folder will look something like this:
├── params
│ ├── development.txt
│ └── production.txt
└── variables
├── development.rb
└── production.rb
Configure the configs/cloudfront/params
and configs/cloudfront/variables
files. Here's an example:
Comment=my cloudfront distribution # existing bucket
Use the lono cfn deploy command to deploy. It is recommended that you deploy to the us-east-1 region. If you are using basic auth, then it is required.
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 LONO_ENV=development lono cfn deploy cloudfront --sure --no-wait
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 LONO_ENV=production lono cfn deploy cloudfront --sure --no-wait
It takes about 15-30m to deploy the CloudFront distribution. Times may vary.
If you are using One AWS Account, use these commands instead: One Account.
To configure the default root object, use the DefaultRootObject
parameter. Example:
Do not include / at the beginning.
If you wish to configure the CloudFront Behavior to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, you can use the ViewerProtocolPolicy
parameter. Example:
The available values are: allow-all
, redirect-to-https
, and https-only
It is generally recommended that your origin set the Cache-Control max-age
, Cache-Control s-maxage
, or Expires
headers to finely control how long CloudFront should cache each piece of content. If the origin does not set these headers, then you may want to configure the DefaultTTL
parameter. Example:
DefaultTTL=3600 # 1h
CloudFront uses DefaultTTL=86400
by default, which is 24 hours.
You can tell CloudFront to request your content from a directory in your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin. When you include the OriginPath element, specify the directory name, beginning with a /. CloudFront appends the directory name to the value of DomainName, for example, Do not include a / at the end of the directory name. Use the OriginPath
parameter to achieve this. Example:
This blueprint supports adding basic auth in front of the CloudFront distribution. This is accomplished with a Lambda@Edge function. To enable basic auth, set the @htpasswd_s3_bucket
and @htpasswd_s3_key
variables. Example:
@htpasswd_s3_bucket = "my-bucket"
@htpasswd_s3_key = "path/to/htpasswd.txt"
The htpasswd.txt
file is a standard Apache htpasswd file and looks like this:
You do not have to redeploy the CloudFront distribution to add or remove basic auth users. Just update the file on s3. By default, changes take 60 seconds to reflect. This is configurable with the @htpasswd_ttl
variable. Example:
@htpasswd_ttl = 600 # 600s or 10m
The Lambda@Edge function caches the s3 getObject call within the Lambda Execution Context. Lambda functions get recycled every few hours. So the max ttl will be limited by that.
IMPORTANT: If you are using basic auth, the stack must be deployed to the us-east-1 region. The Lambda@Edge function must be in us-east-1. CloudFront then replicates the function to all edge locations. A simple way to deploy to the us-east-1 region is to use the AWS_REGION
environment variable.
It is recommended to not use the same s3 bucket to store the htpasswd file as your content because you don't want the htpasswd file to be reachable.
You can use an existing S3 bucket or have the blueprint create a managed an S3 bucket for you. This is determined by the DomainName
parameter. If you want to use an existing bucket, set the parameter with the S3 Domain url. For example:
If you want to have the blueprint create and manage the s3 bucket, leave the parameter blank. The managed s3 bucket has SSE-S3 encryption enabled.
If you want a custom origin like an HTTP server, this can be achieved with the @custom_origin_config
variable. Example:
@custom_origin_config = {
HTTPPort: 80, # Integer
HTTPSPort: 443 # Integer
OriginKeepaliveTimeout: 5, # Integer
OriginProtocolPolicy: "match-viewer", # String http-only | https-only | match-viewer - Required
OriginReadTimeout: 30, # Integer
OriginSSLProtocols: %w[SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2], # [ String, ... ] # SSLv3 | TLSv1 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1.2
Here are the docs for the CustomOriginConfig structure.
Using a custom origin will disable S3 bucket origins. Unless you have set the @origins
variable to customize completely, the blueprint is designed for either an S3 Bucket origin or a custom web server origin only.
CloudFront supports AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity to allow secure access to the S3 bucket objects. The OriginAccessIdentity is essentially a virtual user that will be given s3:GetObject
via a S3 bucket policy.
If you have configured the blueprint to use a managed S3 bucket, an OriginAccessIdentity is automatically created, and the S3 Bucket policy is automatically configured.
If you're using an existing S3 Bucket, then you'll need to add the Bucket Policy manually yourself. The bucket IAM policy structure looks like this:
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity REPLACE_WITH_ORIGIN_ACCESS_IDENTITY"
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::REPLACE_WITH_S3_BUCKET_NAME/*"
You can find the OriginAccessIdentity
in the CloudFormation Console Outputs.
If you're using a Custom Origin, the OriginAccessIdentity does not apply.
Aliases can be configured with the Aliases
parameter or the @aliases
variable. The @aliases
has higher precedence. Example:
configs/cloudfront/parameters/development.txt:, # comma separated
Or set aliases with a variable:
@aliases = %w[] # Ruby Array
If you are configuring an alias, you must configure AcmCertificateArn
and SslSupportMethod
IMPORTANT: CloudFront only supports ACM certs in the us-east-1
You can also have blueprint create a route53 record with the@route53_records
variable and the HostedZoneId
parameter. Example:
@route53_records = %w[]
You can match the @aliases
and @route53_records
by assigning them at the same time.
@aliases = @route53_records = %w[]
Most of the AWS::CloudFront::Distribution DistributionConfig properties are configurable with Parameters. Some properties are with Variables though when needed. For example, if the property is a complex type. Here's example of configuring DistributionConfig with variables for AWS::CloudFront::Distribution CustomErrorResponse.
custom_error_responses = {
ErrorCachingMinTTL: 60, # Double
ErrorCode: 500, # Integer
ResponseCode: 200, # Integer
ResponsePagePath: "/4xx-errors/403-forbidden.html", # String
You can view all configurable variables in helpers/variables_helper.rb.
The blueprint is written so that Variables take higher precedence than Parameters.
If you have added basic auth and the Lr later removed it, you may see a CloudFormation stack error that says the Lambda function fails to delete. This is due to how Lambda@Edge works. CloudFront creates replicas of the Lambda function and copies them to the edge locations. These replica functions take a while to delete, sometimes a couple of hours.
Instead of CloudFormation rolling back the stack, it reports that it failed to delete the Lambda function and moves on. It is safe to ignore. But in these cases, you have to manually delete and cleanup the orphaned Lambda function when the replicas are gone.