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JavierZhao committed Aug 13, 2023
2 parents a9b9e47 + 77a5a8b commit af03b65
Showing 1 changed file with 337 additions and 0 deletions.
337 changes: 337 additions & 0 deletions pretrain/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
import torch
from torch import nn
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import datasets
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from torchvision import models

import os
import pandas as pd
from import Dataset, DataLoader, random_split
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import yaml

from tqdm import tqdm
from itertools import islice

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)

import argparse


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("jobID", type=str)
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', required=True, type=str, help="xxx.yaml")
args = parser.parse_args()

# job_id
job_id = args.jobID

# Load config
with open(args.config_file) as file:
config = yaml.safe_load(file)


# Configuration
datapath= = config["dataset"]["root_dir"]
output_dir = config["output"]["output_dir"] + job_id

backbone = config["model"]["backbone"]
batch_size = config["train"]["batch_size"]
epochs = config["train"]["num_epochs"]
learning_rate = config["train"]["lr"]

# torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn')
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')


# import h5py as h5


from iftool.image_challenge import ParticleImage2D

train_data = ParticleImage2D(data_files = [datapath],
start = 0.0, # start of the dataset fraction to use. 0.0 = use from 1st entry
end = config["train"]["data_fraction"], # end of the dataset fraction to use. 1.0 = use up the last entry

train_size = int(0.8 * len(train_data))
test_size = len(train_data) - train_size
train_data, test_data = random_split(train_data, [train_size, test_size])

print(f'Number of train examples = {train_size}')
print(f'Number of test examples = {test_size}')

# We use a specifically designed "collate" function to create a batch data
from iftool.image_challenge import collate

train_loader = DataLoader(train_data,
collate_fn = collate,
shuffle = True,
num_workers = 4,
batch_size = batch_size

test_loader = DataLoader(test_data,
collate_fn = collate,
shuffle = False,
num_workers = 4,
batch_size = batch_size


from vgg16 import VGG16

class My_Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, model_type, num_classes=4):
super(My_Model, self).__init__()

if model_type == 'vgg16':
self.model = VGG16(num_classes)

elif model_type == 'resnet152':
# Load the pretrained ResNet-152 model
self.model = models.resnet152(pretrained=True)

# Modify the last fully connected layer to match the number of classes
num_ftrs = self.model.fc.in_features
self.model.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, num_classes)

raise ValueError("Invalid model_type. Expected 'vgg16' or 'resnet152'")

def forward(self, x):
x = self.model(x)
return x


device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
print("Let's use", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!")

model = My_Model(backbone)
model =
model = nn.DataParallel(model)

optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()


global_progress = tqdm(range(0, epochs), desc='Training')

epoch_list = []
train_loss_list = []
test_loss_list = []

train_label = [] # Keep track of the label list of all epochs (each epoch is different because we shuffle the training set)
train_pred = [] # Keep track of the prediction list of all epochs

test_label = [] # Keep track of the label list (each epoch is the same because we didn't shuffle the test set)
test_pred = [] # Keep track of the prediction list of all epochs

for epoch in global_progress:


train_local_progress = tqdm(
desc = f'Epoch {epoch}/{epochs}',

correct_predictions, total_predictions, train_loss = 0, 0, 0
train_label_epoch = torch.empty((0, 4)).to(device)
train_pred_epoch = torch.empty((0, 4)).to(device)

for batch in train_local_progress:
image.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, channels, h, w])
labels.shape = torch.Size([batch_size]) (long tensor)
images = batch['data'].to(device)
labels = batch['label'].to(device)

outputs = model(
images.float().to(device, non_blocking=True))
""" outputs.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, num_classes]); one-hot encoded """

# One-hot encoding the long-tensor labels
labels = nn.functional.one_hot(labels, num_classes=4).to(device, non_blocking=True)
# 'CrossEntropyLoss' only accepts input tensors in float type
labels = labels.float()
""" labels.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, num_classes]) """

# Compute loss for each batch
'CrossEntropyLoss' will apply a Softmax to the output (one-hot encoded),
so the outputs here doesn't need an additional Softmax function
batch_loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
""" batch_loss.shape = torch.Size([]) """
train_loss += batch_loss

# Backward pass and optimize

m = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
outputs_prob = m(outputs)
""" outputs_prob.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, num_classes]); one-hot encoded """

# Count the correct presictions and total predictions from each batch
labels_long = labels.argmax(dim=1)
outputs_prob_long = outputs_prob.argmax(dim=1)
correct_predictions += (outputs_prob_long == labels_long).sum().item()
total_predictions += labels_long.size(0)

# Concatenate the labels and predictioins from each batch
train_label_epoch =, labels), dim=0)
train_pred_epoch =, outputs_prob), dim=0)

# Accuracy of each epoch (assuming threshold = 0.5)
accuracy = correct_predictions/total_predictions
# Number of batch in training set
train_num_batch = train_size/batch_size
# Average the total loss of all batches
train_loss /= train_num_batch
print(f'Epoch {epoch}: Training loss: {train_loss:.6f} / Accuracy: {accuracy:.3f}')

train_pred.append(train_pred_epoch.detach().cpu().numpy())'{output_dir}/train_label_epoch.npy', train_label)'{output_dir}/train_pred_epoch.npy', train_pred)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Test the model on test set
test_local_progress = tqdm(
desc = f'Epoch {epoch}/{epochs}',

correct_predictions, total_predictions, test_loss = 0, 0, 0

with torch.no_grad():

if epoch == 0:
test_label_0 = torch.empty((0, 4)).to(device)
test_pred_epoch = torch.empty((0, 4)).to(device)

for batch in test_local_progress:
image.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, channels, h, w])
labels.shape = torch.Size([batch_size]) (long tensor)
images = batch['data'].to(device)
labels = batch['label'].to(device)

outputs = model(
images.float().to(device, non_blocking=True))
""" outputs.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, num_classes]); one-hot encoded """

# One-hot encoding the long-tensor labels
labels = nn.functional.one_hot(labels, num_classes=4).to(device, non_blocking=True)
# 'CrossEntropyLoss' only accepts input tensors in float type
labels = labels.float()
""" labels.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, num_classes]); one-hot encoded """

# Compute loss for each batch
'CrossEntropyLoss' will apply a Softmax to the output (one-hot encoded),
so the outputs here doesn't need an additional sigmoid function
batch_loss = criterion(outputs, labels).mean()
""" batch_loss.shape = torch.Size([]) """
test_loss += batch_loss

m = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
outputs_prob = m(outputs)
""" outputs_prob.shape = torch.Size([batch_size, num_classes]); one-hot encoded """

# Count the correct presictions and total predictions from each batch
labels_long = labels.argmax(dim=1)
outputs_prob_long = outputs_prob.argmax(dim=1)
correct_predictions += (outputs_prob_long == labels_long).sum().item()
total_predictions += labels_long.size(0)

# Concatenate the labels and predictioins from each batch
if epoch == 0:
test_label_0 =, labels), dim=0)
test_pred_epoch =, outputs_prob), dim=0)

# Accuracy of each epoch (assuming threshold = 0.5)
accuracy = correct_predictions/total_predictions
# Number of batch in test set
test_num_batch = test_size/batch_size
# Average the total loss of all batches
test_loss /= test_num_batch

print(f'Epoch {epoch}: Test loss: {test_loss:.6f} / Accuracy: {accuracy:.3f}')

if epoch == 0:
test_label.append(test_label_0.detach().cpu().numpy())'{output_dir}/test_label_epoch.npy', test_label)

test_pred.append(test_pred_epoch.detach().cpu().numpy())'{output_dir}/test_pred_epoch.npy', test_pred)

# Record all losses, make plot, and save the outputs

plt.plot(epoch_list, train_loss_list, marker = 'o', color= 'navy')
plt.plot(epoch_list, test_loss_list, marker = 'o', color= 'coral')

output_dict = {
'Epoch': epoch_list,
'Train_loss': train_loss_list,
'Test_loss': test_loss_list,
df = pd.DataFrame(output_dict)
df.to_csv(f'{output_dir}/output_history.csv', index=False)

if epoch == 0:
lowest_test_loss = test_loss

# Save the model that achieves the lowest loss on the test set
if test_loss < lowest_test_loss:
lowest_test_loss = test_loss
model_save_path = f'{output_dir}/epoch_{epoch}_loss_{lowest_test_loss:.6f}.pt', model_save_path)

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