Automation of building binary rubies for RVM.
Install vagrant from
./run list
- List available images./run <image>
- Run single image build./run [all]
- Run build on all images, one by one./run binaries
- List all build rubies
It is possible to define which ruby should be build:
RUBY_VERSIONS="ruby-1.9.3-p327" vagrant up arch_20120702_64bit
Output of the build will be available in binaries/
Only MRI 1.9.3-p125+ is supported:
- rubinius provides binaries here:
- jruby provides binaries here:
- ree is based on 1.8.7 so it is not supported
That said - feel free to build any binary ruby for yourself, just be careful publishing it, make sure to include information in what path it should be installed (relevant for MRI 1.8.7 / REE).
To speed up rvm installation for every machine do a local checkout of rvm source:
git clone --depth 0 rvm-src
Or from local project:
git clone ~/projects/rvm/rvm rvm-src
Make sure to update it before running builds.