Real Time Singing Synthesizer project made from sinsy-NG. The idea was to generate vocal audio samples on real time easily for live coding performances.
Here is a video demonstration using the program to synthesize samples and load them into the FoxDot live coding environment.
- python (Should work on 3 and 2.7 versions)
- musescore (It's used to convert midi to musicxml)
Software contained in synthesisSoftware must be installed.
- libespeag-NG (Install this first)
- Sinsy-NG (Install this second)
You can try
script as a small singing synthesis example. After running this an output wav file will be generated containing the specified vocals.
All the parameters are optional, they contain a default value in case they are not specified. You can specify them in any order when running the program in the command line.
notes: The numerical value of notes in the scale, in C Major would be something like 0:C, 1:D, 2:E, 3:F and so on... The scale is C major by default, it's hardcoded in the file and can be modified.
dur: The duration of each note in BPM (beats per minute)
lyrics: The text to be synthesized. Each word is mapped to one note from the "dur" and "notes" parameters
lang: The language code, "es" for spanish and "en" for english There are several languages supported, You can check those here
tempo: The tempo in BPM, 100 by default
file: The name of the output file
- All the default values are used generating a single note audio file which says "Ooh" in spanish.
- Example specifying only lyrics and language.
python lyrics="hola hola hola" lang=es
- Using all the parameters.
python notes=0,0,2 lyrics="hello good morning" dur=1,1,2 lang=en file="output.wav" tempo=80