Help loading xls content in POJO.
Example : Assume that we have a POJO
THe following Junit test show how to load from an xls file, using lighxls library.
Let us get a SNAPSHOT !
public class TestEasyXlsLoader {
public void testLoadXlsFile() {
EasyXlsFileLoader easyXlsLoader = new EasyXlsLoader();
Workbook workbook = easyXlsLoader.loadXlsFile("src/test/resources/test.xls");
EasyClazzLoader<Person> easyXlsClazzLoader = new EasyXlsClazzLoader<Person>(workbook, Person.class);
List<Person> personData = easyXlsClazzLoader.loadClazzData(Person.class);
System.out.println("Results \t"+personData);
Is it not easy ? Customize by providing your own implementations.
Use Getters and Setters functions provided, to set your own implementation.
- We load xls column in POJO. Data are loaded As String. There is no type checking.
- Support for Native Java type checking.
- Type Detecting on the fly,
- Support references (reference, collections and map)
- I should tie it spring dependecy Injection (just thinking...)