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Fran edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Welcome to the CURSE OF THE LOST wiki!


The Curse of the lost will be set in sea and islands. The protagonist is shipwrecked and we don’t know his history. Our main objective will be leave the area of islands, but there is a problem, the sea is full of sharks and we have no way of killing them, so we must explore the map to find a way to eliminate them.

The player spawns on a shore of an island, next to a wooden board and he will choose his way to explore. There are 5 main areas, shore, north, south, east and west.

In the west area is the sea, but it will be riddled with sharks who will kill the player unless he has a special object which allows to defend himself and kill them. It is the only flight zone.

In the south we will find a merchant, which have fundamental objects to win the game, such as harpoons. These can be achieved through exchanges. Also you can explore the store and steal a rotten banana.

In the east we find a house, where we can explore the interior of itself and outside, finding different objects. Inside the house there will be a sir who ask for help to recover his lost monkey. If the player manages to bring it back, the sir will give you a reward that you can exchange with the merchant for harpoons. Moreover, this area will have hidden objects that the player can find, including diving goggles.

Near the shore will be a wood table with which he can travel from island to island. Also, if the player has got the diving goggles you can access a secret area where you will find special items.

The north area will be filled with palm trees and in one of them will be the monkey of the sir. If the player tries to kill the monkey, he will throw coconuts at the player, pulling down life to kill it. To get the monkey to follow us to the owner, the player must use a guitar that will be given from the sir from the east side, to play a song and grab his attention. If the player gives the monkey the rotten banana, when it comes to his owner, the Monkey will die and the player will have to fight the sir.




-Boat: allows to move in the sea. Is on the Shore, the place where you spawn.

-Guitar: allows to attract the monkey.

-Pearl: the purpose for which the trader will trade the harpoon.

-Harpoon: it allows kill sharks.

-Oyster: contains pearls and is under the sea, you can pick it with the diving goggles equipped.

-Goggles: allows access to the secret beach area, there are on the house.

-Knife: is on the chest.

-Rotten banana: player can give it to the monkey.

-Chest: contains knife.

-Box: contains diving goggles. Is on the house.






#Special features:

Dive in the water and trade with NPC.

#Win/Lose conditions:

You must kill the sharks with the harpoon and scape from the islands or kill the sir with the knife and live in his house.

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