Rose-hulman Institute of Technology Class of Senior Design 2023 IRPA Chatbots Project
Install Anaconda.
Open Anaconda Terminal.
Run "conda env create -f environment.yml" in anaconda terminal this will create an environment called irpa_chatbot and install the necessary libraries.
Activate the environment that was created by running "conda activate irpa_chatbot"
Run "pip install farm-haystack==1.16.0"
Create an .env file with the following fields:
- ENVIRONMENT #Options: development, production
See the .env_template file for an example. SECRET_KEY specifies a a key used to create authorization token for the admin ROOT_USERNAME specifies the initial root administrator user who can access the system and add admins. It should be a Rose-Hulman username. ENVIRONMENT specifies the environment the software is in. The options are development and production.
Open four anaconda terminal and each should be in the irpa_chatbot environment. (conda activate irpa_chatbot). Each terminal is for starting each of the services below:
In the anaconda terminal, run "python -m rasa run --cors "*" --enable-api"
In the anaconda terminal, run "python -m rasa run actions"
In the anaconda terminal, run "uvicorn general_api:app --reload"
- cd into chatbot_app folder
- Run "npm install"
Open anaconda terminal, cd into the project directory
Type rasa test in the terminal. The test results will be in failed_stories.yml in the results directory.
Don't need to cd into test directory. At the project's root directory run the following command:
- To run all test: python -m unittest discover tests test*.py
- To run individual test: python -m unittest tests/{name of test}.py
- For example: python -m unittest tests/
- Note: all test files should start with prefix "test"