Plugin for IntelliJ-based IDEs folding root files in the ProjectView
Ember data support for Drupal 8 CMS (via JSON API module).
A complete framework for working with typography on the web.
boztek / homebrew-php
Forked from bobthecow/homebrew-phpPHP formulae repo for Homebrew
A test drupal 7 site with some common contrib modules for deployment tests
puppet project to demo puppetmasterless deploys with capistrano
Sketch of an aegir based build system for eventual CI usage
boztek / redmine
Forked from edavis10/redmineRedmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. is the official git mirror of the svn repository
boztek / mercury
Forked from pantheon-deprecated/mercuryTry to track bleeding edge pantheon developments and make minor modifications to keep it working on linode servers.
boztek / drupalcommerce
Forked from rszrama/drupalcommerceA next generation e-commerce system for Drupal targeting Drupal 7 and beyond.
boztek / commercedev
Forked from rszrama/commercedevAn Drupal 7 installation profile to aid Drupal Commerce development.
A fork of the nodepicker module to allow custom node type and insert type plugins.
boztek / openatrium
Forked from EclipseGc/openatriumProof of concept openatrium component for drush_make
An Drupal 7 installation profile to aid Drupal Commerce development.
boztek / homebrew-web
Forked from melito/homebrew-webSinatra front end for the homebrew package management system
Sinatra front end for the homebrew package management system
boztek / dbscripts
Forked from ceardach/dbscriptsDatabase management tools for Drupal web development -- dump, erase, restore and merge
boztek / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewPackaging system for Mac OS X 10.5 and above; heavy optimisations, no redundant packages and a bonus beer theme
💀 The former home of Homebrew/homebrew (deprecated)
Database management tools for Drupal web development -- dump, erase, restore and merge
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. is the official git mirror of the svn repository