Tools for Building Browser Extensions with Deno
NOTE: this is currently just tools that I am consolidating from building Favioli. I will formalize this into a more proper library/CLI later. API will likely change drastically.
NOTE 2: This will really mostly focus on Chromium and Firefox. Safari could be a target in the future, but Apple is just too much of a pain in the ass to develop/release browser extensions for, currently...
> deno install --name=bext --allow-read --allow-write --allow-run --allow-env
> cd ./my-project
> bext # both
> bext chrome # only chrome
> bext firefox # only ff
import type { BrowserAPI } from '';
// in chrome, globalThis.browser in firefox
import browserAPI from '';
const { Tab, TabChangeInfo } = BrowserAPI;
(tabId: number, _: TabChangeInfo, tab: Tab) => {
// do stuff